Some things:

My photo
I paint small metal and plastic figures and rarely get to play with them. But that is fine with me.

20 November 2024

It's All Greek to Me! (Part 4 - Some New Additions)

 It's a sobering thought to conclude that a full year has passed since the last time I published a post here. 

During that time this blog has had it's 13th birthday, I too leveled up and am now 48. I've played in two local Bolt Action tournaments (And came second place in both no less) and played two other games of Bolt Action with my friends Densmol and Stew, respectively. 

A little hobby has left the "Pile'O'Opportunity", with my previously posted WW2 Greeks now 2/3rds toward being fully painted (See below) and only have 44 infantry left to complete this project as it stands right now, and some terrain items constructed, though yet to receive paint. The Bolt Action rules have had a new 3rd
edition and I'm eager to have a new army painted and ready to try them out.

Real life itself has had some massive changes this year and my personal responsibilities have multiplied a hundred fold, but otherwise I'm happy, relatively healthy and only miss my freetime (Hobby time) a little. 

Forgive my not commenting on your respective blogs - I promise I have been dropping by from time to time when I find the odd moment to see what all have been up to. I'll try to work on that, though make no promises! 

So perhaps I'll have another post up before the end of the year should I manage to find time to paint or *shock horror* actually play and show pictural evidence of.

Display of the 1940-41 Greeks

Some Great Escape Games Evzones - the first of 4 infantry squads to be painted next.

A FatherandSonGaming German guard hut. I lost patience painting these annoying chevrons really quick so I'll not show the other sides to this small terrain piece. The cigarette smoking guard is a kind donation by Densmol.


  1. Hey, great to see you had a new post, I was just wondering how you are doing. 44 infantry could either be a year of work or a month... just depends on life. Hope that everything continues to go well.

    1. Thanks David. We'll see what painting opportunities life offers up. Could be feast, but I'm going to assume it'll be famine. LOL

  2. So good to have you back. No pressure, just post as you find the time and feel comfortable about it! Would love to see your work again, I hope everything goes well!

    1. Hallo Suber and thank you. I'll try to get more work done and posted up as time allows.

  3. That's been a long break between drinks, mate! Nice to hear from you again.

    1. Cheers Keith. Speaking of a drink....

  4. Welcome back and these look fantastic! Everyone is getting into WW2 😁

    1. I've been into WW2 hobbywise for a bit now. Am thinking though I might take a break after I finish this lot to work on something else to cleanse the palette sotospeak?

  5. Glad to see you back Dai - I've been missing your Bolt Action posts - and was looking forward to reading your thoughts on the new version..? I may well start an Italian force for the new ruleset.

    1. Hallo Simon! Ooo! Italians are a fun project for sure! Are you thinking desert, east front, Italian Mainland?

  6. What blog is this again? It just showed up on my blog roll…. Kinda dusty around here ya think?

    Hopefully time will open up for you.

    1. Yes, dusty indeed (And smells like mothballs, supermarket sherry and old people in general.)!
      Keeping my fingers crossed.

  7. He's alive ! So great to see a post from you mate, Stewart has been showing evidence of you still breathing so hadn't got too worried we'd lost you ! LOL Hope the family are well, and you are enjoying life as much as possible. Great work on your Greek force, and hopefully it won't be another year before we see another post from you.

    1. Appreciate the kind words Dave. Yes alive, breathing and family are doing great, thanks.
      I have a little over a month to get "something" painted and blog-worthy and posted before year's end, so we will see!

  8. welcome back dude, just like you ive come back from a long hiatus, so look forward to seeing your posts

    1. Thank you mate! Seems it's a good time to return to hobby blogging in general, eh?

  9. Good to see you still about. I am also finding it increasinly hard to find time for any hobby really, the consequence of which is no blogging either. Also something has happend with the blog itself which is causing problems and making the whole thing "too difficult" when there's ironing to do and laundry to hang up.

    1. Thanks Ed. Real life really does have a nasty habit of getting in the way!

  10. Nice to see you're back and have made some progress, it would be good to see your colour chart so we can all shout Bingo!
    Best Iain

    1. Appreciate you saying so Iain!
      You make an excellent point regarding the painting chart! This has now been resolved and updated, which, you'll see in my new post.
