Since my return my
hands have not been exactly idle at my hobby desk. Whilst nothing’s been finshed,
I’ve been gluing and slapping paint about different things.
1. In April I’ll be co-demoing some Regimental
Fire & Fury ACW with my mate Stewart and so have started painting up the
remainder of my outstanding 15mm Confederate infantry for the day. It’ll be a
large game, set to take some 5 or 6 hours (I hope my neck can stand up to that
sort of punishment…) with 6 players and we two as GM’s. Stewart has a modified
scenario to run through and know’s all the details, I think I’ll just be there
to supply Reb’s and my pretty self. No pics yet cos who wants to see boring
primed minis with blue trousers? More on these later.
2. Last
year I was lucky enough to win a raffle on Facebook that involved the Bolt
Action community. The proceeds went to a lovely chap, Damon Andersen so that he
could afford a pricey surgery for his young daughter in the US. The prize ended
up being a lovely box from Warlord games that included their new “Band of
Brothers” starter set, black set of order dice, the Tank Wars supplement and some
cool looking german officer with an SMG. Thus far I’ve put together and primed
the German Half-track that came with the Starter Set, but also got to start
work on the Hetzer tank hunter that I’d purchased almost a year ago. Project
Winter Germans is on it’s way!
Half Track is a re-purposed Pioneer 251/D as shown by the storage bins along the sides. I just liked the look with them, than without. Considering adding a canvas cover over a frame for the passenger area seeing as it'll be a Winter theme'd vehicle. The cork is sporting a German Tank commander, he's just primed ready for when I actually have a tank able to stick him in. I'm thinking a Panzer iii or an 8-Rad might be in my future? |
The Panzer 38T-Hetzer tank Hunter is my fav German tank. Ugly little bastard that packed a wollop though suffered terribly from unreliable mechanics and thin armour that barely stopped machinegun fire. Add to that Late War fuel shortages and how awfully cramped these things were inside and it was not a very liked machine. But much like ugly dogs, it really appeals to me. Bit shiny in the pic as it's currently drying from a coat of gloss varnish, prior to decals being added and then weathering. The red barrel is to represent that this tank is not that far from the factory floor - they didn't have time to paint it! |
3. Spurred
on by this jump-start to my painting mojo, I also started looking at other
things, #1 were my old 3rd Edition Blood Bowl Orcs which got
scrubbed clean of that old paint job, mold lines removed and glued to new
bases. Also after being tempted to jump in on the new Relic Knights Kickstarter
project (And consequently reminded by self that I’d not played the original
version in almost 2 years, much less painted more than 98% of the Relic Knights
minis I already own…) I pulled out Betty and Lug (To be previewed at a later
date) and started base colours on those. Sadly, this led me to discover that my
much prized old pot of Blazing Orange had completely dried up! And so very sad,
I threw that old horse (Brought all the way from the UK no less) into the bin.
That just leaves my Dark Angels Green remaining from my "old" Citadel paint collection. :( |
Some more work was done
on the Wintery Eastern Front buildings too, but of course, I forgot to take pics. Again,
at a later date.
Forgive me if I haven't commented on your blogs in a while. I'm trying to make my way through all of the posts backlog, but it's taking a while and those bloody things do pile up QUICK!
In conclusion, I hope to get a new post up by the weekend so if you're so inclined, watch this space!