Seems in my effort to keep this current boost of hobby energy on a high, I've been painting up some more stuff, flitting between projects in an effort to keep me enthused. Hope this carries on for a goodly while!
With the delivery of the recent and excellent Burrows and Badgers Kickstarter, my collection of Anthropomorphic Critters has grown exponentially. So I decided I needed to get a lick of paint on the ones I'd already owned, based and primed! Here we have three characters for my Rogues and Royalists project, two more members for my Rogues warband, The Red Toothe - Jacques le Rouge and Clarissa Quick, and the first painted member of their Royalist opponents in my setting, Friar Fullmouth.
Jacques le Rouge, a black fox with a funny accent, both aspects rather uncommon to Northymbria. Easily pushed around by Ma' Tuppence, this untrustworthy fox always seems to have double meanings to everything he says. |
Whilst searching the internet for interesting pictures of British foxes, I found images of black coloured foxes! Perfect for a swarthy backstabber like Jacques! |
Clarissa Quick was an orphaned Dormouse whose family suffered under the cruel reign of the local lord. A suspicious act of arson claimed the lives of Clarissa's parents and siblings as her meagre home was turned to ashy rubble, the land thereafter somehow claimed by the local Lord as his own - a "fine" location for his new prized Stag Beetle farm. |
Ma' Tuppence claimed the orphaned dormouse from the gutter and shared dreams of vengeance against the Lord, for which Clarissa was all too swift to hope would come true. |
Friar Fullmouth has been sent to help maintain the religious spirits of the Royalist warband. His healing magic also a boon as they seek to hunt down and arrest the Red Toothe. |
I need to give the Royalists warband a proper name.... They have a background, but I'll get into that when I begin painting the rest of their members. |
With these three done, I have only one member of the Red Toothe rogues warband left to paint, Hickory the Pug thug. Still working out a suitable colour scheme for him, but he should feature in my next post. Once he's done, I'll get a nice group pic of these nasty baddies for ya.
Also I got the energy to finish off this feller featured in my last post. Even in the grim dark war torn future, birds still manage to crap uncaringly upon statues.
Might add a bit more of a wash to the stone base as looking at this pic, it looks far more blah than I'd realised, but otherwise this is ready for the battlefield. |
Must be anti-Imperium birds to crap so on a such hero. |
The Court (Where I work) is still keeping us at work during this virus outbreak, so who knows what's going to happen. Fingers crossed that changes though as I deal with the public daily and I'd rather not experience or bring home this nasty virus. Hope you all and your families are safe and sound in these uncertain times.