These guys were staring at me with accusatory glares for being unfinished so I grabbed these three and got them off the painting queue. Pic is a bit naff, but I'll take better ones once the whole squad is finished. Two more and then I'll move on to those often talked about Winter Germans. Finally.
Also got this small pile of crates scatter terrain thing done. Wanted it to be useful for more than on game, hence it didn't get the Winter treatment. Found it in the bargain case at my LGS for a very reasonable price about a year ago.
Soviets are in this pic to give you an idea of scale. |
Last, I based up and prepped this lot of random stuff. They are going to get sprayed with primer this evening - a random assortment of Games Workshop stuff including both old and new sculpts, a trio of barrels to at to my scatter terrain collection, a WW2 Winter German MG team, a herd of Dark Ages sheep, some books (On pins) for those bookshelves I showed off recently and a robo-thing on the far left that I took from one of my son's old action figure collection.
Cheers for looking. :)