Last year's 6th Month Mountain Reduction and Painting Challenge (Started September, my initial post for it is
HERE) got me off my hobby arse and painting a fair amount of my hobby backlog. It was a great motivator and even saw this lowly blog updated at least once a week almost consistently.
Well, the organisers have decided it would be better to start the 2nd annual challenge earlier this year so as not to fall during the Thanksgiving and Xmas holidays (Sensibly) and therefore make it a little easier for people to keep up the momentum without the distractions that a run of major holidays can provide.
Not that I am all that big on cats in general, but my cat I feel deserves far more internet time than any other. (Plus I didn't have any other clever pictures around when I wrote this post up...) |
Starting June 1st, the 2nd 6MMRPC begins! This is great and well timed for me. I've been feeling badly burnt out on painting for a while now after that mad dash to try to get my
Flames of War British Motor Company fully painted for March's tournament here in Sacramento, but also inspired (after a couple of demo games of Dark Ages 28mm) to start my own Viking and Saxon forces so I can play some Lion Rampant. So there's lots to be painted for that project alone.
The rules for this year's Challenge have changed a little -
a. we get 3 "Jokers" instead of 2 - so some impulse buys aren't too out of the picture and you can earn further "Jokers" by completing entire projects.
b. we are allowed to pick up "that one missing piece" to complete a project without it counting as a "Joker".
c. The lovely chaps organising the Challenge have included a small painting competition with a real prize. I might enter, though having seen some of the work people posted from last year, doubt I will have much chance at winning!
Here are the actual rules copied and pasted directly from
The Spider Web of History blog:
1. No purchasing of new miniatures, EXCEPT if you use a
joker. You get three jokers to use on a
figure purchase. Could be a blister
pack, an ebay bundle, or a single can't splurge. The only
exception to this rule is if you need bitz or A FIGURE (Singular) to complete a
unit/warband etc.
1.1 - There is an opportunity to "earn" additional
jokers. If you complete an entire project
(whole unit/army/warband etc.) with pictures of starting, WIP, and completion,
you earn yourself a Joker.
2. Gifts do not count
against you. Holidays, birthdays etc. Also, if you're given gift cards by your
hobby illiterate family or friends, you can without penalty use them on
anything you want miniatures wise.
3. Paints, terrain
(or materials), and other hobby supplies do not apply to the no purchasing
4. At least one hobby
related blog post and/or Instagram update a week. If you instagram, be sure to hashtag your pic
with #6MMRPC
5. Zombtober will be
part of the 6 month challenge so, Zombie related stuff during October is
ENCOURAGED. Other theme suggestions are welcomed.
6. Anyone that wants
to submit a before and after picture of a miniature that they are proud of
completing during the course of the challenge to will be
entered into the running for a gift certificate to a online wargaming store of
their choice. Judging will be by an
un-biased person. Amount on the gift
certificate will be dictated by winners nationality but should work out to
about $30 U.S. I (Spiderweb of History) will not be eligible to win.
So.... June 1st.... It's on. I'll be putting together a swift post to illustrate what projects I plan on showing my major goals with
Draxian (
TM) charts and so forth, so watch this space.
A picture of the Twits. Just because. |
In other news - my blog recently hit some major milestones (Considering it's not updated all that often and that what I
do post is allovertheplace topics-wise.)! I passed 50'000 views and also 101 followers in swift succession! BIG thanks to those who stop in and read my nonsense and comment on the work I showcase. Like many others who've written these type milestone posts, it's the community and their encouragement that keep me coming back and posting updates and of course in turn being able to view and comment upon your own hobby works and exploits. I've made some online mates and met others in person through this blog, so that I feel accounts for how much it has impacted my life. Thankyou all (Especially the bots, who are no doubt at blame for getting me to the 50K views by a fair majority.), I hope I can keep this place interesting enough to keep you coming back fro more in the future!