I’ve not been idle these last two weeks, as the terribly
shot pictures below will attest to.
Saturday will be the first Flames of War tournament of the
year for the NorCal circuit – a 1650 Late War affair, 3 rounds with 1st
round starting in darkness with Dawn rules (Meaning after turn 3, rolls are
made each turn to see if the sun decides to pop up!), the 2nd a
regular game and the 3rd will be played with the Dusk rules
(Opposite to the 1st round, in that come turn 3, rolls are made to
see if night comes down to ruin best laid plans!). Missions have also been
pre-determined, which is novel.
A Tiger having a kip in a ditch. |
I put together a list from the D-Day allies book, “Overlord”,
from the 4th Canadian Lorried Rifles (Sans the lorries.). It’s a
Trained (skill level) list and will be my first time trying out a Trained list
in a tournament setting. The reasons I chose it were –
- I can
get more platoons into the list (9 in this case) so even though my troops
are going to be easier to hit, there should be more of them than there is
of my opponents. Should.
- All my
stuff is painted up as Canadian 4th, so fit the bill perfectly
and I’ll only have to paint one unit for the tournament!
I don't really fancy my chances at this shindig, although I do have all the tools necessary to tackle most every list out there aside from perhaps a Soviet tank horde. I will be happy if I place midway through the results. So far I believe there is a full compliment of 24 players, so it'll be fun to see people's painted forces and see some of the cool players I got me meet last year. Wish me luck!
Speaking of which, that unit are my much used, but never
loved – my M10 Achilles Self Propelled Anti-tank guns (With the obligatory 17 pounder guns). For some reason, I use
these a lot, yet have never actually painted them up. Well, that’s changed now
and they are as done as they’re going to get prior to Saturday. Really all that’s
left to do is add some mud effects so they match my tanks and armoured cars.
Top of the stove, best lighting in the house. |
I’ve also been frantically painting up a birthday present
for Densmol for his birthday earlier this month (That he’s also going to be
using on Saturday.), a German Flak36 88mm gun – terror of just about every
battlefield it was deployed upon. So far I’ve painted up the crew and the gun
and cruciform, it just needs basing, which I hope to have done tonight.
8.8mm showing the scratches and stuff. |
All the figs on their bases waiting for the filler to dry. (I even managed to paint the red shoulder markings.) |
Lastly, in an effort to help my painting queue get smaller,
I spent a couple hours basing my 100+ collection of random fantasy miniatures
that I have been using for roleplay games. It’s my intention to have these on
hand to just pick up and slap a tabletop paint scheme on when burnout
threatens. In this collection are miniatures from multiple makers that go back
all the way to 1983. TSR, Ral Partha, early Citadel and Marauder through to
more recent Reaper, Malifaux, Mantic and Privateer Press. I’ll be sure to put up a post
for each one that I get off my queue.
There's about 30-odd more to add to this picture. |
Some of the minis needed some 1st Aid. This Citadel Norse fellow had lost his sword arm. Now he leads the way in the darkness. |
This Old 1st Ed Talisman Dark Elf needed a new sword blade. With paint, this won't look so shite. |
Old old old TSR pig-faced orc. Spear head was well flimsy, so I gave him this over-the-top glaive with horsehair type stuff to cover his badly cast hand. |
This one got a nasty simple spiked spear. |
Old 80's TSR Trolls. My 9-year-old son can sculpt better than this. I love these minis! ^_^ |