Last post I mentioned a planned game of Bolt Action with Densmol; well, that did not happen. My poor opponent and his wife were waylaid by some awful bug or something and so it has all been postponed until... March or some such. Being adults with responsibilities and jobs and his active social life means it's tricky to coordinate dates for gaming. So we'll see - watch this space.
But, the 2nd occurrence of Operation Sweetheart - the earliest Bolt Action event in the area is occurring Feb 8th and I've been tentatively given the go ahead to attend (Responsibilities allowing.) by the Fun Prevention Officer. This in turn has lit a tiny hobby-fire under my arse and so when I can find time, I've been able to continue painting my remaining Greek infantry and hey-presto (!), the first squad of 11 is done!
These minis are all by UK-based Great Escape Games and produced in a satisfying white metal. The sculpts themselves actually depict a squad of Evzones, historically tough men of the Mountain Divisions. The rules themselves don't really do much to reflect this aside from offering an option to make them a bit nastier in close combat, but seeing as that aspect of the game has been seriously nerfed in the new edition, it's not really worth paying points for. Still, I really like the Great Escape Games sculpting with lots of exaggerated facial features including satisfying big moustaches!
Next up is the second or four squads of infantry, another 11 men though this time some more 3D prints from Greece-based Studio Historia. Their past sculpts depicting Greek weapons teams were a breeze to paint up, so I'm hoping this lot won't take quite so long as the metal sculpts from this first squad?
- Dai