30 June 2015

Saxon Thegns

These eight were completed over the weekend. They join the already done Saxon Lord, his two sons and son in law and will make up the two 6-man Thegn units for my Anglo-Saxons.

Elite warriors ready to tackle the Northmen menace!

Kind of happy to see this type forward progress on my Dark Ages project and (including the 3 vikings I'd also done earlier this month) 15x 28mm figs painted in 30 days isn't bad at all for this slow hobbyist.

These three are members of the Lord's personal guard.

Decided to give them Burgundy & White shields to better differentiate the two Thegn units on the tabletop.

1st Unit including the Lord's sons.

The other 5 were painted up to match the Son-in-Law's shield colour and make up the 2nd unit.

Shield colours to match the Son-in-Law. The simple freehand designs were variations I came up with from actual designs featured in internet searches.
I've also been working on some of my Confederate Cavalry and managed to get four stands painted, just need to be based - which I'll get done when all eight stands are complete.

Fiddly as hell to paint and fething terrible sculpts. No wonder they were so cheap. Still, don't look so bad with a lick of paint on them.
As the first month of the 6MMRPC comes to a close, I realised it would be an extra motivator to keep better track every month of my painting progress. So unlike last year, this time around I've decided to post up my Draxian (TM) progress charts in my end of month posts. Hopefully seeing all those boxes change to GREEN will keep me spurned on to victory!

The Thegns featured above! 1/4 of the way done on this project!
Shite-load of stuff yet to be done on this project. Good thing there's no rush to see it completed.

Only 3 minis finished on this one, but I started a further two last night and might well get another done by the end of this 4th July weekend. 
So in the 1st month of the Challenge, that's 16x 28mm (Including my fantasy Zulu warrior) figures painted, my 15mm Confederate Cavalry 3/4 done and some exhaust glows added to my Armada Star Destroyers. Not bad methinks.


  1. I'd say that's a pretty impressive output.

    I really like those shields. They are so neat I thought they must have been decals until you wrote they were freehand.

    1. Cheers Cameron. It feels good to actually get stuff done. Now I just need to find space to store all these new painted pieces!

      I was worried the shields were too rough-around-the-edges. Guess I was wrong.

    2. Yeah, the shields look great. They are neat enough that they look totally straight and symmetrical at a glance. I love the shading too.

  2. Marvellous work on those Saxons - I agree with Cameron, the shields are especially impressive with the texture & shading that you've painted on them.

    1. Thankyou sir. Another vote for the shields. Hrm.

  3. Great work! I really like your painting style!
    Who is the manufacturer of your ACW figures?

    1. Cheers Ivor.
      I believe the the regular Cavalry are Alliance Miniatures (That's who the Ebay seller advertised them as.). The Standard Bearer and Officer though, I have no idea.

  4. Agree on the shields, looks fabulous.

  5. Good to see more progress.

  6. It's an impressive bunch of progress. I envy your productivity!

  7. Thanks lads. Appreciate the encouragement!
