24 June 2015

A swift (Belated) Week 3 Report

Week 3 came and went and with my Mother's visit from the UK (And the preparation made prior to) I didn't have much time at all for hobby work.

My remaining Saxon Thegns got their basecoats done along with basic washes though and now there's only a bit to do on each, plus shields and basing left until they're complete.

When these eight are done, I'll have my first two units completed for my Saxons. 
Once again, the models are by Blacktreedesign though are not as well made as their previous sculpts that I've recently previewed. There are some annoying and seriously difficult to remove lumps in places on these sculpts and some of the spears were rather flimsy and snapped off repeatedly. Saying that, for the price, these metal minis have some fun detail and very nice faces (One though was missing the right side of his mustache, so I tried to sculpt one with greenstuff.) and some of their helmets are especially nicely sculpted.

Hopefully get some more done before this weekend's 4th week report!


  1. They look very nice Dai, I especially like all the chainmail. I'd argue though that its your stellar paintjobs which makes them look so good as opposed to the sculpts :-)

  2. The more I hear about saga the more intrigued I am. Looks like a fun game.

    1. I think your paint skills would make some Dark Ages super cool sir.

  3. And here I thought you'd have a cool story as to why he only had half a mustache!

    1. Oof! I missed that opportunity, didn't I?

      Maybe he was shaving with his spear head?

    2. "Did I sharpen my spear?.....yup...yup I did."

  4. Nice work on these mate! The facial hair thing seems to be a common (lazy) mistake from BTD - I was painting some of their Dark Age villagers recently and two of them have the exact same issue! one is missing half a beard and mutton chop!

    1. That is wierd. Maybe they want it to be their signature within their designs?

      Thankyou sir!

  5. I must say I do like these fellows!

  6. Your Saxons look way better than mine!!! Nice Work!

    1. Gosh, that's rather nice of you to say! (I don't agree though.)
