06 July 2015

More Hirdmen

Two more viking badarse hairy buggers done over the Holiday weekend. Like these sculpts very much, shame my eye painting was a little rubbish.

Bloke on the left had a bit of a cartoony eye affliction as a child. The chap on the right.... bit cross-eyed, hence how he didn't see the flowers before he trod upon the blooms.

Tried to paint a simple wolf-pelt and think the colourings are convincing enough. 

Also worked on more of my ACW Confederate cavalry, but had to take a break from the crappy sculpts and got some paint onto a Heroclix lizardman that my son begged me to paint up. It originally had a pathetic looking bendy glaive that I cut out and replaced with a cut down 1980's GW skeleton cavalry lance. Still lots to do, but I do know he'll end up as a Troglodyte gladiatorial adversary in my upcoming rpg.

Whilst overall this is a pretty shoddy sculpt, I do like the movement in the pose.

*blatant ebay plug!!!*


  1. Really been digging the Vikings recently - beautifully done, man!

    1. Lots more to come mate! Glad you've enjoyed them thus far! :)

  2. Looking good. I like the vikings. I like that they are a bit simpler in dress than fantasy vikings.

    1. Gripping Beast seems to make a more realistic Viking. These look like they are all bundled up for cold weather too, which I doubly appreciate.

      Cheers mate!

  3. I like the different colour of chain mail. Cleverly done!

    1. Figured all that chain needed breaking up somehow. The gold makes him more interesting, right?

  4. Great work on the hirdmen, especially the shields & wolf-pelt. I usually stay away from painting eyes, or just use a dab of white, but I think they aren't that bad on these guys. It's a nice finishing touch.

    1. Cheers mate. Hate leaving the eyes out - they can really help take a face to that next level.

  5. They look good. The pelt looks great.

  6. Always look forward to seeing pictures of these chaps!

    1. Am hoping to get another couple done over the weekend!
