01 March 2021

Getting awful crowded in my sky

 Two posts in two weeks? Not bad. 

Today's offering is a Kickstarter Add-on from the much maligned Sedition Wars boardgame produced by Coolminiornot back in 2012. Lots went wrong with that Kickstarter that I'll not go into as it's ancient history now, but I will say that all the minis that looked like they were going to be amazing from their initial sculpts, ended up being pretty bad due to them being produced in Restic. That stuff is just plain awful to work with (And because of that, I didn't do one darn thing with any mold lines), nuff said.

The first in this series, (An effort to further reduce my unpainted mountain.) is a "Not-Captain Mal" from the Western-Sci-fi series Firefly. I LOVED this series and it was a crying shame that FOX did the dirty to Joss Wedon, causing his pet project to be canceled before it had a chance to show more of this very entertaining setting. 

Mal has his classic duster longcoat and sidearm. As he's the crew's captain, he's also pointing. I stuck with the classic colours he wore throughout most of the series which was nice and simple. Not my best painting but he's good enough for gaming and rpg's.

Lots more detail on his duster than int he show and I didn't want to add too much extra to it so stay true to the show. The base is a Sedition Wars specific base with nice subtle detail and just got a metallic treatment with black wash and some green added to the little circular recesses for a little spot colour.

Next up the final piece from the British/Commonwealth Support Group boxed set by Warlord Games, a Vickers MMG team. Also painted in Canadian greens, this team is going to add some nice small arms support to my Canadian Bolt Action lists.

Added a larger rock to this base just to make it more interesting to look at. LOL There were no Large rocks on Dieppe beach in the pics I could source, so a little artistic license on my part.

Next up, some more Firefly characters and some other theme'd sculpts from beloved sci-fi titles.


  1. Your MG stand looks great Dai! Guy in duster not bad either. Good to see service returning to normal.

  2. Man, I did love Firefly. I didn’t know about it till after I saw the movie Serenity. Mal looks great. Sorry, not Mal but someone very similar. And I laughed out loud at the bit about pointing. 😀

    1. Glad you like mate. Next up will be Zoe!

  3. The duster turned out very nice. I like the pants as well. Looks like he has a bit of a skin disorder on his face though. That related to this restic material?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Dave! Yeah, looking at these pics again I need to revisit that. I was in a rush to get him painted and just called him "done" right as dinner was ready LOL

  4. When I read that title I was hoping to see Captain Reynolds 😀 I still have yet to watch that last episode of the series because I know when I do it will officially be over lol
    Great work on that Vickers team too.

    1. Aww... :( You should watch it though, because it's really good. Did you hear there are talks to reboot the series?

    2. I did not... very interesting. Fingers crossed 😀

  5. Excellent work on all Dai, miss Firefly was a great series, and enjoyed Serenity too ( shame about Wash !) The Vickers team looks great too

    1. Thanks Dave!
      The comics that came out really expanded on the Firefly season nicely, even a post-Wash story too. You should check them out.

  6. Great looking sci fi captain and excellent Vickers team!
    Best Iain
