22 March 2021

Wash, change course and go for hard burn. We’re runnin’.

 Been a busy couple weeks, but I found time this weekend to add some paint to more of my Kickstarter minis from Sedition Wars by Mike McVey. These three are all homage sculpts to beloved sci-fi series and video game, cast in restic and so not even worth attempting to get mold lines off of. Paint jobs were all done quickly for a tabletop level in order to get them done and off the "Unpainted Mountain".

First up is Zoe Washburne, First Mate onboard the Starship "Serenity" and Captain Mal's right hand gal and closest friend. The sculpt was pretty spot on to the screenshots from the series, though her facial details were very soft, but from a distance, she looks the part I think.

Went with colours that were closest to the pics I googled. Love that she has her iconic carbine holstered at her side.

Next up is a nice simple sculpt to represent Caprica 6 from Battlestar Galactica. I think this is a pretty good representation of Trisha Helfer's character and she painted up quickly. Again, her facial detail was sadly a little soft but I feel she'll do. I previously painted her "tech-zombie" version a "little while ago" (5 1/2 years ago! O_o) which can be found HERE.

Platinum blonde and red dress, how could any hetro-male say no?

Lastly is a fig of a not-Isaac Clarke from the Dead Space video games. Not a bad sculpt and was simple to paint up. Though I was aware of them, I never played the Dead Space games as I'm not much of a fan of horror games, but I liked the look of this fellow so he was next on the paint table.

Next up will be the penultimate homage mini from my Sedition Wars Kickstarter collection. 

Hope all are well out there, stay safe and healthy - Dai


  1. Fantastic renditions of some very iconic characters from sci-fi Dai, shame about the soft sculpts

    1. Thanks Dave! Soft detail aside, they were all fun to paint and look decent from afar, so mission accomplished.

  2. Great looking trio, Dai! Glad you carved out some time at the workbench for these.

    1. Happy you like them Jon. Was great to be able to find that time and I'm hoping for more painting opportunities in the near future.

  3. I recognize 2 of the 3. Just the women. What does that say about me? 😀
    Nice job and happy to see some painting time for you.

    1. That says you are a man with immaculate taste sir.

  4. Lovely work on them all. Studio McVey did some great sculpts I wish some were still available.

    1. Thanks Simon! Yeah, even when they were still selling online, their stuff would sell out so fast, I missed on some really cool minis for sure.

  5. Great stuff Dai! You really captured the colours of Zoe's outfit, not an easy task with so many earth tones 😀

    1. Thanks Ivor, am glad she works on your end too!

  6. Good work on them Dai! I picked up Sedition wars at a swapmeet & recall hearing about the challenges of the material. Its unfortunate, & I have yet to get them to the paint table (so many other projects)I remember there was such excitement when first announced. Luckily there have been many improvements in soft plastic quality since.

    1. Thanks Terry. Yeah, am glad that the industry has managed to improve on the restic rubbish since. Sad though that the game itself was kind of average at best rules-wise too. Saying that, at least I have a bunch of sci-fi minis that I can use for a bunch of cool rules sets.

  7. Good looking trio of sci fi types, I only recognise the one in the red dress,I'm worse than Stew!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha! I think you'd like Firefly Iain, one of my fav sci-fi series.

      Thanks mate.

  8. S'all good, Dai, keep it comin'
