21 February 2021

And... breathe

 First off, happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Year and Valentines! O, and happy 9th birthday to this venerable blog too as of October 1st or thereabouts.

Right, now I got those important things out of the way... stuff my end has been (obviously) quiet hobby-wise since August. Lots of real life stuff being the reason, but, that’s all done now and I have managed to find both time and energy to get a little hobby done these past couple weekends.

As a small Xmas gift to myself I ordered the Warlord Games British Support boxed set as my collection needed a few pieces so that my Canadians can be used in later war games as well as for my Dieppe project.

First up a Medic, Platoon Sgt, Officer and Radio Operator. All painted to a basic tabletop standard to get them swiftly finished and off the mountain.

Got this 3”mortar team done too. Basing on all these is simple and to reflect the shale found on the very open beaches of Dieppe, France. After looking through pics of Dieppe, it’s a wonder any of those poor troops managed to make it beyond the waterline at all.

Next on the paint desk is a Vickers Medium Machinegun team. Should be done later today.

Hope all are well and healthy in this crazy annoying world.

- Dai


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jon! Hope to have more up soon.

  2. Great to see you back posting, and what a great start too. Lovely Brits and I really liked your basing colours for them.

    1. Thank you Simon. Was hoping the shale attempt would work, makes me feel better about it. LOL

  3. Great to see you back posting again Dai, and straight away some excellent looking troops, and support mortar. Nice research on the basing as well

    1. Thanks muchly Dave. One of my fav parts when working on historic projects is the research and attempting to recreate what I find.

  4. Great looking figures Dai, nice to see you've got some time for hobby!

    1. Thanks Jamie! Seems there'll be even more time coming up too, so I hope to update at least somewhat regularly from here on.

  5. Great stuff and great to see you back Dai! Looking forward to seeing that Vickers mmg 😀

    1. Cheers Ivor - hope to have more up soon!

  6. Hey, nicely painted figures, and nice to see you posting again.

    Have you been looking at the new plastic British/Canadian figures? Seems like they might come in useful.

    1. Thanks LGP! Yeah, that new plastic boxed set looks very nice and is a great upgrade on the old British plastic infantry set. Just wish I didn't already own the original one already! LOL

  7. Those look great! I'm actually working on a British Para platoon at the moment.

    1. Thanks loads mate!
      Denison smocks for everyone! Horrible to paint, but looks so good en masse with all those red berets.

    2. I’ve really enjoyed them so far. Hoping to have them wrapped up next week to share pics. Glad to see you back at it as well 💪

  8. Great job painting as usual! Nice gift for yourself.
    Glad that real life has settled down enough to allow some hobby time. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew. Have been enjoying the fact that I have a little time and space to be comfortable enough to work on hobby.

  9. Lovely looking Brits! Nice to hear you're back in the game!
    Best Iain

    1. Hallo Iain! Appreciate the kind words. Hope to have more to show soon!
