05 August 2020

80's Chaos Beastman

A swift post for another palette cleanser mini - one more long ignored old Citadel Miniatures Chaos Beastman.

I like this fellow cos he's all out of whack. Quite unlike my previously posted one, he's fuzzy all over and Bovine, rather than the typical Goat. One eye'd and only one hoof'd he strikes quite the "chaos-y" vibe. I wanted to give him some sort of pilfered-from-a-corpse look so painted his trousers up in the old colours of the olde Empire province of Ostermark. Seemed fitting that the same province that Mordheim was in should provide his attempt at a uniform of sorts.

Attempted a Chaos face on the shield that all the old minis seemed to have in White Dwarf. It's not awful, but it's certainly not great. 

Fuzzy like me.
I've also been putting together some more Objective markers, this time for Warhammer 40K and added a little more paint onto the remaining two objectives for my 28mm WW2 projects. But more on those in the next post.

Hope all are well and staying that way - Dai


  1. Great looking beastman Dai, as I recall it was listed as a minotaur headed beastmen, and they did a couple of other ones with different animal heads similar to the ones in Runequest back in the day. look forward to seeing your objective markers

    1. Good to know Dave - thanks! There's more beastmen too to come also.

  2. Pretty terrifying (by which I mean great). I enjoy it when beastmen are not just goats, makes them seem more chaosy, and fit better with the fluff too.

    Chaos faces on shields are very of the period, but are harder to do than it looks. I think yours is pretty good!

    1. Totally mate. Chaos beasts aren't supposed to look the same, seems the opposite of the ideal of "chaos".

      Appreciate the kind words. :)

  3. Nice shield and a great non goat looking beastman!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Hope to get another up sometime soon.

  4. Short,sweet post and fine-looking beastman!

    1. Better short and sweet than leaving it all for another mammoth post that might be a month down the line.

      Thanks Jon.

  5. Fairly gruesome sight to behold. In a good way if there is such a way. I especially like his pants. 😀

    1. Thank you sir! I felt the colours were fun, it’s chaos afterall

  6. So good! What a great miniature Dai, love it.

    1. Thanks Michael am glad he gets your approval.

  7. Very nice painting Dai, it brings back happy memories playing warhammer with my kids. Cheers Greg

    1. Hi Greg, thanks for stopping by!

      Appreciate the kind words. Glad you got to remember good times. :)

  8. Fantastic painting! I like the weathering on the axe!

  9. Hi Dai, not seen you around on the blogs recently and just wanted to check you are safe and well ?

    1. Hi Dave, no idea why I only now saw your comment (it was sitting waiting for approval for some reason?)?

      All is well thanks! Just a lot going on in real life and none of it “hobby”!

      But I’m working on stuff now. Hope to have something to post soon and also to visit your own blog:)
