23 March 2018

Clever Hans (Part 7 - Panzerschreck Team and Heer Sergeant - Done!)

For my Winter Germans, I slapped on some colour to these three frigid fellows.

The look on the 'Shreck wielder's face does not inspire all that much confidence that he knows what he's doing...

First up, the Sergeant sculpt for my Winter Heer squad, pointing out where the direction that the dastardly Ivans are reportedly coming from. Lots of fun detail to this bloke, my fav’s being that his helmet has been stashed at his belt and his winter-goggles are still strapped about it. He’s also looking down the length of his nose, like some superiority-complex’d twat – perfect for an unpleasant bully of an NCO.

The model is by Warlord Games and is actually supposed to be the Officer's adjutant, but I liked him better as my Grenadier Squad's sergeant. 

You can't see it in this pic, but I managed to paint in his black/white/red roundel cap badge. First time too. (Even if you zoom in, it doesn't show. All that hard work that, really, only I get to see.)

This Panzershreck team (Also by Warlord Games) was mostly simple to paint as a majority of both figs were made up of their bulky Winter greatcoats which were rather swift to paint up. Nice sculpts, though getting that 'Schreck face protector thingie to glue on straight was a bit of a pain.

Can't tell if the fellow on the right is trying to tell his pal to fire, or to NOT fire? 

With these three done, I've moved on to another tiny part of my Winter German army, their medic. Warlord Games' sculpt for a Winter theater medic is a lovely fig, propping up some poor fellow who's been injured somehow. On top of that, I've also plonked down on a 50/60mm (Can't rightly remember) round mdf base the free fig (Also of one German trooper seeing to his comrade) that was free with purchases of the physical 2nd Edition. But seeing as I picked up the Kindle version of the book I never got to have this cool mini - that is until, the estimable Admiral Drax was kind enough to post me one and I saw immediately upon receipt that it would make for a perfect centerpiece in my game-table objectives collection!

And lastly, I also started slapping the beginning layers onto the Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf D half-track that will be the transport option for my previously previewed SS Grenadiers squad.

Couldn't find any colour pics of a half-track's interior in my brief googling, so just went with a "Dunklegelb" type colour. At the very least, it'll provide a nice contrast to the Winter Whitewash that I am planning to apply to the outside armoured areas. The above pic is after preliminary wash. 
These are the passenger figs for the half-track, but I'm not so sure I'll be utilising them. They are TINY (!) and whilst I would love to have passengers in my hanomag, I'm not so sure these plastics are the men for the job... 


  1. Well done! Your Grenadiere in winter garb definitely do look the part.
    As to the interior of open topped vehicles in German service, they were painted using whichever colour they used as base colour for the camo. So you’re spot on with the Dunkelgelb. For a little variation you could also paint the interior Dungelgrau depicting an older vehicle.

    1. Think i will try that out should i ever get a 2nd halftrack, thanks mate!

  2. Tip Top Stuff, Dai. They look fantastic. I love the way you do your white uniforms, and the foliage really brings a nice contrast to your palette. Great-looking minis :-)

    1. As always Simon, very kind of you to say as much.

  3. These look amazing Dai, really well done Sir.

    1. Always appreciate the encouragement Michael, thanks

  4. Great looking Panzerschreck Team, despite owning 2 I've never used them in a game of BA.

    1. You should give them a try - always do a great job of ruining my day when i face em!


  5. Nice work with that roundel, matey - it's all looking rather good!

  6. Cracking job Dai. I couldn't do them myself but they are suitably impressive looking.

    1. Thanks Simon. Curious though - Why couldn't you paint these yerself?

  7. They are really nice, Dai.

  8. Nice work on your winter germans,y your right I'm not sure the operator is going to have much idea where the missile is going! Nice interior work,im I so lazy I never do that sort of thing and so admire those that do!
    Best Iain

    1. Really that's more my OCD kicking in. >_>

      Cheers Iain.

  9. This project is coming on so nicely! Keep it up! It’s going to be a great winter theme. Really nice painting as usual! 😀

  10. Awesome as always, man! Really looking forward to seeing the half-track come together!

    1. Thanks! Hope to have more done to show off soon.

  11. Nice word, Dai. I laughed at your bit about no one seeing the cap badge. I find that's the thing about miniature photography: it shows off faults that no one sees when looking at the miniature with the naked eye, and often hides the parts were most proud of.

    1. You're not wrong there and whilst it perplexes somewhat, I've long since accepted that a lot of the "little touches" are mostly for me, cos no one else is going to notice. ha!

  12. Great looking stuff Dai.
