05 March 2018

Bit and bobs (WIP)

Painting did not happen this past week, again. But that’s okay as I did get some construction, basing and priming finished on some upcoming projects namely:

1.       Beast of Nurgle
This fun looking critter is Games Workshop’s latest version of the daemon and the first as a plastic kit with a few options for personalization. Neither simple nor difficult to build, the instructions were the only reason I found this taking a bit longer to construct  than I’d anticipated. But the finished product, wow. Just a well-designed model kit and with the left over bits, I think I will try my hand at some sculpting with air-dry clay to see if I can’t make him a pal to give me two for any future WH40K Daemons list that I might try out using the current 8th Edition rules (That I recently got a hold of.).

He's since been primed grey and is awaiting me to decide on a suitable colour scheme. 

2.       Volksgrenadier
I realized that I can’t stand the Warlord plastic Grenadier sculpts and that their metal sculpts are so much more fun to paint and full of character in contrast (Think I’ve mentioned as much somewhere before?). So I gave my left over plastics to Densmol so he can build even more Krauts for me to mow down. Instead, I bought Warlord Games’ Volksgrenadier Squad and spent time prepping them for primer (They are now drying post-prime). Bit dressed down for the depths of Winter I guess, but they’ll do for some inexperienced level fun.

Poor buggers, thrown into the gaping jaws of the Soviet war machine. Doesn't matter how up-to-date and shiny their kit is, they're still inexperienced recruits and will probably die horribly in every game I use them in! ^_^

3.       Objective Markers
I ordered some VERY affordable 40mm round mdf bases from a Spanish-based Ebay seller that arrived quite quickly and used some of them as bases for some old resin Chain of Command objective markers that were a kind gift some time ago from Stew. Still debating whether I should Winterise the things or leave them as generic as possible so I can use them in multiple theaters? Opinions on this are welcome. Notice the 5th one with the German duo – another kind gift from the good Admiral Drax. Excited to paint this one and it will end up being done in a Winter theme.

Objective markers that can be used in multiple games, or as extra scatter terrain in a pinch.

4.       Lights, Camera, Action!
After seeing some of my fellow bloggers’ super well done pics using ultra-affordable portable lightboxes, I decided to get one for m’self. And low and behold, it makes my own figs look better in pics too, AND, it’s easy to set up and store and takes up little space even when left set up, so I will be using the thing from here on in to show off my painted goodies for you all to peruse.

My recently previewed SS-Grenadiers. Think the black background makes them pop way more than before. 
Hoping to get some stuff painted up this week for sure, so next post should hopefully be a bit more interesting for you!


  1. How big is that Beast of Nurgle? 50 or 60mm base? I was eyeing one for a conversion, and it looks pretty tempting/gross.

    1. Quite large. They come with a 60mm base.
      I think tho that their $40 price tag is a bit much. $30 seems far fairer.

  2. The new nurgle stuff looks a bit cartoony to me. That beast has some possibilities though.

    1. I like it, reminds me of the old 80s style, tho of course now with a bit too much detail.

  3. Great stuff Dai. I'm so pleased you picked up one of the new beasts. I've yet to unbox mine but feel sure you'll inspire me to do so. I'm a bit sad to see the old model go though as I was a big fan of it 😀

    1. The last Beast sculpt was a weird one, quite a step away from the traditional look imo. This one is more true to the original, yet a new take. My only gripe is that their faces are too "human/happy".

  4. The longer I look at those Nurgle the better they look.

    Could my third army in the summer campaign be a Nurgle Deamons army?????

    1. You know you want to! Nurgle armies are the best armies.

  5. Awesome! I'm looking forward to all of that, can't wait to see what you do with the beast!

    1. Good to hear mate, I'll try to do my best with the beast!

  6. Nice nurgle demon, if you know what I mean! Objective markers look good, I think I'd leave off on the snow and isn't your light box good, trying to find those old square bases for your minotaurs, would you base them on that or would they go on round mdf bases, I know I've got them it's just finding them!
    Best Iain

    1. I am not a base-nazi - my fantasy collection has been based on all sorts of shapes and sizes so as it comes mate. REALLY appreciate you offering to send!

      Think I'll leave off snow like you say. That way I can use them for multiple venues.

  7. The beast looks great. I have fond memories of the really old slug ones. As for the objectives its a tricky one unless you go for a mixed autumnal flock or muddy type bases?

    I can't seem to get myself to paint plastics at all. I don't know what it is. If I can get it in metal I will!

    1. The old Beast of Nurgle with the bug eyes and slug body was one of my fav old school Nurgle models. Just fun and screamed 80's/early-90's Chaos for me.
      Painting plastic is not my fav either when compared to metals (Which I far prefer), but with the technologies and designs these days, you can't deny that plastics are really looking amazing and can only get better.

      Muddy, yes, I think that is the way to go.

  8. Hey!

    Nice work with the photo box, matey: looking good!

    Re. objectives: can you make snowy tarps to drape over them for use in wintery missions? - either rigid ones (stiffened with, say, PVA) or just some actual small white cloths...?

    1. Your fault I got one truth be told.

      Hrm... Now that's a direction I hadn't considered. I will look into the idea for sure!

  9. How very professional with the light box! 😀

    1. Well, crappy paintdesk pics just weren't cutting it anymore, so "something" had to be done.

  10. I like the new Beast Models, but for that price, I wish there were more pose options. The options that are there are very well done, but when you get a couple of them together, those details make less of an impression than the fact that the bodies are all the same pose.

    Also, that pose is in the midst of lolloping, which means that I need to figure out how to model big splashes of water for them to fit in with the swamp bases the rest of my Nurgle are on.

    1. Couldn't agree more. Nice to have options, but sadly, they aren't really where they were required. All the beasts doing the can-can would look rather silly I think. Or thematic if you have some sort of Moulin Rouge theme to one's army? :P

  11. Great looking stuff Dai. A lot of irons in the fire. I would go with maybe a churned mud look for the objectives. Fits any setting. The light box picture looks good.

    1. Yep, strarting to think that the mud look is the one I'll go for on the objectives. Thanks Sean!

  12. A lot of great looking projects! Really love the beast of Nurgle!

  13. Superb painting with the mixed camo on the grenadiers Dai and the light box certainly does its job.

    1. Cheers Pat, these SS should stand out nicely from the rest of my regular Heer on the table for sure.

  14. I'm glad you're enjoying your new light box. It certainly made photography much easier for me. Now I just need to work on getting a real camera... anyway, your shot of those grenadiers looks great.

    1. A real camera... Yeah. Not any time soon for me. Outside of this hobby, I typically completely forget to take pics of stuff I see as it is.

      Thanks Matt.
