16 April 2018

Comrade! (Part 25 - 2 more members for my veterans squad)

At the Ogre's Den LGS in Orangevale this Saturday, there's going to be a Stalingrad theme'd Bolt Action game event. Of course I'll be taking my Winter Soviets along and have been drawn to play the Volga Crossing table, attempting to get my reinforcements across the river and head in to back up the beleaguered brave defenders in the city proper.After choosing a list on EasyArmy, I realised I was two soldiers short for one of my squads, so after a wee search, found these minis that fit in perfectly with my Winter Onesie squad of Veterans. They are produced by Annie Norman's Bad Squiddo Games and turned out to be very straight forward to paint up.

They'll provide a 2nd LMG for my Fanatic (Stalingrad selector allows almost all your troop choices to add "Fanatic" to your units.) regs, making the squad rather nasty on the table at range AND in close combats.

Trooper on the right looks a bit surprised/googly, but I figured I'd leave her that way seeing as her helmet is down so low that on the table, no-one will see her features anyway.

Bad Squiddo is a minis company that specialises in ranges solely of female figures, but in more realistic/practical attire/armour. These WW2 ladies were originally part of a kickstarter prior to regular release and are sold as "Soviet Scouts", though they blend in perfectly with Warlord's Winter range and so will just be regular troops for my purposes

Next up the only other oustanding units from my army list, two Anti-tank Rifle teams. No Panzerfausts in Stalingrad, so my poor boys are going to have to try to tackle and German armour with these things. They'll also double up as psuedo-snipers too, which will be extra annoying, I'm betting. :)

Am pretty sure the bipods are incorrectly placed, but they'll do. I have yet to use Anti-tank guns in-game and always pass them up when choosing units for some reason.


  1. Looking really great Dai! As always :)

    1. Thanks loads for the kind words Michal!

  2. Great stuff, poor ATR Teams though.. the buggers won't stand a chance against PIII's and PIV's hehe :)

    1. Yup :( Will be doing my best instead to just ignore any armour I come across as best as I can and destroy infantry assets instead as tanks can't hold objectives.

  3. Looking good, I'm going to try to stop by next weekend at the event.

    1. O sweet! Will be good to see ya mate.

  4. You could have just added a couple of your winter Germans and waited until someone noticed....

    1. No, cos that would just be wrong. Do things the hard way, or not at all I say! ^_^

  5. Very nice Dai. It's always interesting to see the intermediate stages of painting as well.

    1. Thanks Ed. Thought it would at least show I'm doing stuff... been in a bit of a lull of late.

  6. Nice! I'm always happy to see more of your Soviets - Keep up the great work!

    1. Cheers Joel. Hope to be able to show these next four off prior to the game Saturday.

  7. Replies
    1. Nice of you to say so Michael, thanks!

  8. More snowy awesomeness! I didn’t know you had any bad squido figures. I hope Orge’s Aden has a suitably snowy board for your awesome winter figures!

    And I wish you better dice at this upcoming BA event than you had at the last one! 😀

    1. Impulse buy after I realised my collection is decidedly late war heavy and so I needed a few extras that matched Stalingrad.

      Thanks for the well wishes, I'll be sure to post up a report. Perhaps you might be able to take a wee break from parenting to say hi?

  9. Nice machine gun team, I liked the pair of bad sguido Soviets I painted up, good to see the AT rifle teams,meant to be good against lighter armour,it's that,Molotov cocktails or exploding dog's, difficult choice!
    Best Iain

    1. Exploding Dogs would be so fun, but I wanted to minimise the expenditures considering I have such a large backlog of unpainted minis already.

      Thanks Iain!

  10. Gorgeous.

    And Russian AT teams can be fantastic, as I understand it - basically move-and -fire snipers who hit less easily but kill more easily and can pin or destroy vehicles nicely!

    1. Thanks Drax! Yeah, I heard the same. Yet to experience that famed "killy-ness", but I'm hoping they'll show me differently on their next outing.

  11. Perfect addition to the force. I like having a few sensible lady figures. Female Sovs are very appropriate. Those Anti Tank Rifle barrels look like a strong candidate for getting bent in transport.

    1. Yeah, Those barrels will have to be packed well I think.

      Thanks Sean!
