09 February 2018

Clever Hans (Part 4 - SS nutter, Spiders and more Winter terrain - Done!)

Past couple days allowed me to do lots of work, especially as my son announced that he had re-found his painting mojo! Never one to dillydally when father&son painting ops are on the menu, we have gotten down to quite a bit of work.

First off, to join Squad Sergeant Schmidt (shown in my last post), here is Schütze Dresler. Realised that the main reason I'd been avoiding these germans was due to having to work on their tricky camo patterns! Well, no more. Dresler here is sporting a pair of nifty SS issued Pea Dot camo trousers. Think i got the pattern and colours right. Regardless, he'll do for gaming. 
This sculpt originally seemed like it would have been fun to paint up, but his face! Stupid bulging eyes in a poorly defined face was a nightmare to finish up and in the end i just suffered the eyes as is after 4 attempts to try to lessen the bulging effect. 


As well as him, i also finished up the counterpart ruin to the one shown in my last post.  Just a quick base, wash and quick drybrush highlight  then snow effects added. Lighting is a bit pants, but you get the idea.

I also added snow to my deciduous trees. Just a few brown leaves to add here and there and they'll be ready for varnishing and can be called game worthy!

Did someone mention spiders? Yeah, those three are done and ready to be thrown at adventurers in my rpg sessions. Just simple layers of washes with a wee purple highlight on legs joints to make them stand out more.

Wait, "who were those fellows also on the paint desk, behind the ruin?" Glad you asked. These are the remainder of my SS squad in various stages of paint that I'm currently working on. 

More on these chaps next post. 


  1. Oh... Schütze Dresler has turned out splendidly, Dai, as has everything else tbh. Lovely work on the spiders too. Nice subtle purple on their legs :-)

    1. Thanks mate. Some more SS nasties to show yoo soon.

  2. Great looking figures, lovely spiders and atmospheric ruins...

  3. Father and son painting sounds brill and those spiders look fantastic!!

    1. It was. So happy he has cone back to the hobby.

  4. The camo pants came out great! Why were you so worried? You nailed it. That winter building set is awesome.

    What did the kid paint?

    1. Kind of you to say so.

      He was busy working on some Poxwalkers of nurgle.

  5. Great camo, nice trees and ruins!
    Best Iain

  6. great job on the SS Soldier. The camo is really nicely done. Love those spiders the purple really makes them pop!

    1. Thanks Simon, guess sometimes the simplest paint jobs are the ones that stand out the most for some. :)

  7. More very nice stuff Dai! Your take on the Pea Dot is quite good already but I‘d add a few more dark patches. Just my 2 cents though.

    1. Hrm, after researching more you are indeed correct. I've another trooper with the same version of this camo to show soon, but I don't think I have the patience to revisit them to modify what's already done; but for future iterations I'll go with your suggestion for sure.

      Thanks for the fair critique!

  8. Replies
    1. It feels like this Winter(y) goodness is never ending... ^_^

      Cheers Chris!

  9. Well done on the pea dot camo. I'm liking those buildings and the spiders look great. Next time we get together we can play a little Bolt Action if you like, I've never played. Or we can just continue to romp through the underhive.

    1. Either would work mate, though by the Summer, I theoretically "should" have these Germans and matching Winter Terrain complete, so it might be nice to show you snowy wartime shenanigans for a change!

      Cheers matey.

  10. Dai - you did a great job on Hans. I really, really like the pattern on his pants. It looks painstaking!

    1. It took a small while, but it wasn't as maddening as I'd anticipated in all honesty. Certainly not something I'd try to paint en masse I might add, but for an accent here and there doable at the very least.

      Thanks as ever Matt.
