15 February 2018

Clever Hans (Part 5 - SS triple threat and some random scatter terrain)

Last weekend was a somber affair. The previous Thursday, my mother-in-law finally succumbed to the cancer in her poor system so the whole household was in an understandable funk. Mom picked a good time to pop her clogs though as it was President's Day on monday, so we all had a long weekend to get ourselves back out of the miserables and get back to work/school.

Staying at home for so long also allowed me to distract myself from feeling down and get some more painting done on my Winter Germans.

These three fellows are more members of my planned 7-man SS-Grenadiers squad, two of which allowed me to practice some more on "scary" german camo schemes, in this case Autumn Oak Leaf Pattern, which was not nearly so labour-intenstive as the Pea Dot camo I previewed in my last post.

On the left, this bloke is about to let fly with a carefully placed Panzerfaust Anti-tank shot. As well as a standard feldgrau jacket, he is sporting some Oak Leaf camo trousers. Centermost is the squad's Machine Gun support specialist who is a bit more canny where "Winter camo" is concerned and so has a white-washes helmet and some snazzy white trousers. His jacket is in Oak Leaf camo. Last fellow to the right has some Pea Dot trousers and a greatcoat, also sporting a whitewashed helmet. This Winter's fashions for you.

Obligatory SS bums.

And a group shot of the infantry that've been painted for this force thus far. Not a bad looking turnout I think.
The title mentions some scatter terrain, and who ever wrote that wasn't lying. I also randomly picked up a plastic Dumpster (By Reaper Miniatures) for my modern zombie survival project and painted it the ugliest green I own, which is close enough to the actual Dark Green that I see them painted up as in real life. The lid is designed to be able to be opened, but I glued it down. No need to risk zombies climbing inside when I'm not looking.

You'll also see to the right of the above pic that there's some sort of blurry sandbag+crates wall that I was also working on. Thought the pic was fine, but I guess it's completely out of focus. O well.
Still two SS troopers to go, watch for an update on those. Also this weekend I am playing in a Market Garden huge game that I'm pretty excited for, so hopefully I'll remember to take some pics of how that went and post them here.



  1. Condolences to you and your family man

  2. Sorry bud it's always hard to lose a parent/in-law, but I will say great looking toys. Remember it could always be worse.. you could be a Welsh Rugby fan... ;)

  3. Sorry to hear about your Mother-In-Law, that must be rough, even if it has been a long time coming by now.

  4. My thoughts are with you and yours.
    Well done on the painting! The Oak Leaf is highly convincing.

  5. Really sorry for your loss mate.

    Great looking miniatures dude.

  6. My condolences, Dai.

    Nice work with that camo.

  7. Stuff like that really sucks. 🙁. Really sorry.

    glad you were able to get in some pleasant down time and paint. They came out well of course and I chuckled st the zombie joke.

  8. Condolences Dai.

    Neat looking dumpster, gonna dirty it up a bit?

    1. Thanms Rich. Yeah a little. Add some government warnings too, just need to do a little research.

  9. Very sorry to hear your news Dai. The camoflauge and cuff titles on those guys is particularly impressive.

    1. Thank you Ed.
      Hand is not as steady as it used to be, but i can still get some fine work done.

  10. Condolences Dai. Nice work on the camo patterns. A big game to have some respite from life's troubles seems like a good idea.

    1. Thanks Sean. The big game was indeed fun, next post will feature some pics!

  11. That's tough, your Germans are coming along nicely, I'm getting tempted to do some after the soviets but I am resisting, nice camo btw.
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain. Well, your Soviets are going to need an opposing force to be able to fight in demo games tho right? :)
