05 February 2018

Winter Wonderland (Part 2 - Ruined Workshop)

Been a quiet week on the hobby front, but I got a bit done.

This is the first part of my Warlord Games’ Ruined Farmhouse kit. I made it into some sort of shed or workshop – well, the remains of one long abandoned.

In this pic, squad sergeant Schmidt points out that my horrible lighting on my painting desk is making my white's on this piece far too bright!

The kit has some nice details and is mostly modular though I find that there aren’t very many “good” configurations available, so it looks much like most every other version of this kit I think. Also has some pretty ugly mold lines that were tough to remove to the point that I left them completely alone on the main house part of these ruins. The plastic that these models are cast in is not very conducive to mold-line clean up, much like that nasty Restic crap. Regardless, I think it came out okay and should provide some nice hard cover for my Winter board setup.

Another view of the ruined Workshop. But who's that cheeky partially painted fellow peeking out? Check back soon and he'll get his own post.


  1. Hmmmm....I've been eyeing the warlord ruined buildings. Not jazzed to hear they are rough to clean up. Booo. It's pretty awesome how you are managing to get everything in the winter mode for bolt action. I remember planning on doing so for my flames of war stuff and losing interest pretty quick.

    1. Thanks Dave!
      To be honest, I've surprised myself and found I'm really enjoying adding all the snow effects to these pieces.

  2. How many pieces does the kit come in?

    Looks very cold! I like the Winter theme as well because it’ll make your army supper unique!😀

    1. Quite a few. I have a duplicate kit that I'll do up for some western front games.

      The plan is to eventually have enough stuff ready to run you through a game!

  3. I have had my eye on that kit for ages for Mordheim. MUST RESIST!!!!!

    1. Am sure you'd make it look really pretty as well!

  4. Good stuff, Dai, This is going to be quite the winter wonderland when all finished. Squad Sergeant Schmidt gives the ruins a nice sense of scale, and its always a delight to see your "Bolt Action" minis in action :-)

    1. Heh, thanks Simon. Hes a cheeky sculpt and was my test piece for the whole army.
      Hope to have more pics of new stuff up later today.

  5. Very nice. I was tempted to get the village set for my post apocalyptic games. I may have to keep an eye out for a set.

    1. Thankyou sir. The kit would make for some appropriate postapoc british style houses, given the right amount of weathering/firedamage.

  6. Well done Dai! I‘m not really a fan of this plastic set, but you’ve done a great job in making it look good.

    1. Many thanks! Hope the larger counterpart comes out as well as this one.

  7. Nice looking bunch of ruins, looking forward to your Germans!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain. Currently painting some SS, so keep an eye open for a post soon!
