02 January 2018

A Hobby Review of 2017

Good bye 2017, you really pushed me to my limits. 

This year has been one of mostly lows in my personal life. That in turn has affected how much hobbying and gaming I had gotten done and has impacted my end of year hobby motivation as well. Currently, my mother-in-law has lost her 4th battle with Cancer and has been in home hospice care for the past month. Thankfully she has managed to hold on past my son’s 13th birthday, Xmas and on into the New Year. But still, the sadness in my house is sucking the energy from me to do anything productive.

Regardless, this year has seen some hobby work done. I had big plans in Autumn to get my WW2 German army started on, but that’s stalled (For now). I also got some of my random Fantasy Collection and Sci-fi/WH40K minis painted. I didn’t buy as many minis this year (On purpose), though there were enough additions to the unpainted mountain to make any painting gains seem paltry in the grand scheme of things! ^_^ 

I haven't been all that active here in the last quarter and I hope you'll forgive my not commenting all that often on your blogs. That will change, I'm sure as we get further into this new year. Over the year I managed to put up 40 blog posts, which is a record for this humble blog for sure. 

I tallied the fully-painted progress for the year as follows:

15mm Infantry:                 40 (These were my WW2 Brits that I use for Chain of Command, a full platoon plus support elements.)

15mm Vehicles:                1 (Think this was a jeep or Universal Carrier or something. Not impressive considering how much still needs tackling.)

28mm Infantry:                 58 (Mostly WW2 Soviet Winter troops, though there was a fair smattering of other stuff described above)

28mm Large:                      3 (A Fantasy Griffon and Giant and a huge Rotten demon. Big buggers.)

28mm Vehicles:                5 (WW2 Soviet Winter Truck, half track, tank, WW2 Winter German tank and something else that escapes me.)

Terrain:                                13 (Mixture of stuff from Winterized buildings and craters to other fun scatter stuff to add interest on my tables.)

And…. That’s it. Not horrible now I look at the numbers, but certainly not great.

This New Years weekend did see a little painting though as I was determined to get those last two Soviet Winter Veterans done so that's the squad and my army can be claimed as that near mythical title: FULLY PAINTED!!! Encouraging stuff! Now there's almost no excuse to not paint their German opponents. Well, that is, IF my Canadian/Commando Dieppe project doesn't get in the way. Or my Chaos warband, or my Scifi rpg minis project, or or or..... So many projects. -__-

Not a great pic, but you get the idea

I'll take some better pictures of the whole army at a later date and do a showcase post.

Lastly, Sean from Sean's Wargame Corner blog was in town last weekend from his home in Arizona and we managed to head to my LGS to play a game of modified Shadow War Armageddon that involved Ambull husbandry and both of mine and Densmol's teams of Ambull cloaca inspectors were decimated during the game with no victor at game's end. Super fun though with lots of laughs. Keep an eye on Sean's blog for a post detailing what happened during that game with lots of nifty pics taken.

Thanks to all who pop over to read my posts and are kind enough to leave comments. Without your encouragement, I don't think I'd be as productive as I am. Here's to a happy hobby 2018 to us all!


  1. Given your troubles I hope your painting has been some small comfort.
    I hope next year brings you better tidings and more painted toys.

    1. I hope so too mate. Thank you everso much.

  2. Glad that you had the chance to get stuck into that cloaca inspection. Seems like a fitting end to the year.

    1. Heh, it was silly fun. Random critters popping up EVERYWHERE!
      Shame you couldnt make it mate. Maybe we try again next time Sean is in town in the Summer!

  3. Not bad totals at all!

    Hope that the new year brings much improvement in all areas of life. And that we get some fun games in.

    1. Yes, lots of fun games. Looking forward to it.

      Thanks loads my friend.

  4. The totals look alright, but it's really the group photo of a functional force that is amazing. I'm envious as I'm usually pretty scattered about what I paint and don't have much that could be thrown on a table to play with.

    I read a post by someone ruing the decline of the blogosphere and how dead it is. I've decided to be more proactive about commenting rather than lurking this year. If one can't get around to painting, they should at least offer encouragement for those who are.

    1. I think facebook and instagram are killing the blog scene. Its just too easy to "post a pic" of finished work to a group and be done with it. Little editing and far bigger viewership. I can see blogs going the same way online diaries went.

      Thanks dave.

  5. Thoughts are with you and yours Dai. Fingers crossed things pick up for you all once the hard stuff’s over.

    1. Cheers Jamie, appreciate the support.

  6. Despite a very tough year for you Dai, you've still proved inspirational to me with all your painting and postings. That's an interesting point about FB and blogs though, as my own blog has seen a definitely increase in hits, but doubtless only because I now use various FB groups to tease my postings on with a pic and a link. In fact, two-thirds of my hits come from FB these days...

    1. Thankyou Simon.
      I really should advertise my blog more I guess.

  7. Good totals for a tough year! Last two soviets look great, I actually think I'll be painting mine soon, oh and thank you for giving me a gentle shove to actually start posting on my blog this year, can't see me doing FB. Here's to a better new year!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad to hear you will get working on them soon. I look forward to seeing how yours turn out mate. Thanks Iain!

  8. Yus you got to stick your hand up an ambulls ass too! What did you think? LOL

    1. I can now tell the difference between a girl Ambull and a boy. I feel I learned something valuable that day.

  9. That ain't bad going considering your problems this year, chin up mate and crack open some plastic crack.

    1. Thanks Chico. I'll have something new to show soon.

  10. Sorry about all the personal stuff, that's a lot to handle. The Sovs look great and I think you had a pretty respectable output for the year. I had a blast gaming with you and densmol, the report will be up soon. Now you've got me wanting to buy and paint more Artizan Germans. I enjoyed painting those for Curt a few years ago.

    1. Thanks loads Sean.
      Was certainly a fun time on Saturday. I look very much forward to the next time you are in the area my friend.

  11. That is tough going mate. Keep your Chin up and keep ploughing on. Look forward to 2018ss output regardless of what you end up working on.

    1. Thank you Simon. I'll try to keep things interesting here. :)

  12. You've been an inspiration to me from my earliest blogging days. We'll gratefully read and enjoy your posts, but we all have our lives to run as well. Here's hoping for a slightly more cheerful 2018.

    1. I'm hoping so too mate and likewise with your own blog, I'm always happy to read about your next project!

  13. "FULLY PAINTED"? - Woo-hoo!

    All the best with the start to 2018, mate - on all fronts.

    1. Who'd have thunk it eh?

      Many thanks Chris, and to your good self in return.

  14. Great progress Dai. You still game over at Great Escape?

    1. Thanks Rich.
      Once in a while i head over there. Is it convenient to go to from where you are living now? I know a lot of the Bolt Action community plays at Ogres Den in Orangevale which is supposed to be a nice store.

    2. Never heard of the place! I'm about half way between the two areas.

  15. Dai - I am really sorry to hear that your 2017 has had so much sadness in it. I wish your mother-in-law and your family a lot of strength and happiness in 2018.

    Your two snow veterans bode well for the coming year. I love the expressions on their faces.

    1. I appreciate the words of support Matthew.
      No time to paint recently but hopefully will have something fun up to show off soon!
