22 January 2018

On the Painting Desk

Whatever nasty flu-like virus is going around has buggered my household up royally this past week. Wow, really hope this one doesn't hit any of you who visit my humble blog. I couldn't sit at home any longer watching re-runs of Star Trek the Next Generation  with the ex or waste any more time on my new PS4, so I came to work, probably too early in my recovery, but at least I am not going stir-crazy at home!

In an effort to kick my hobby mojo in the arse, I started work on a few things. Nothing is finished, nor even close to being, but at least it was a start. Let's get 2018 hobbying going already!

The photo shows what is currently grabbing my butterfly attention span - Fantasy Giant Spiders, ruined farmhouse and outbuilding for Bolt Action and.... yes, the first of my Winter Germans for Bolt Action. More to come!

Shite picture, but just a teaser for you.


  1. Great to see you blogging so soon. Like the look of those ruins.

    1. Thanks matey. Hopefully will have something new up soon!

  2. Oh goodness, where did you find those spiders? I must have some! Looking forward to seeing the bolt action stuff as well - still can't justify the additional hobby line, but I always enjoy it vicariously!

    1. The Spiders are part of that new Dungeons and Dragons line of figs for their latest edition of their rules(That I can't remember the name of, but which my rpg group thought was rubbish).

      They are very crisp designs with a few ugly mold lines, but wow are they affordable! Cheaper than Reaper Bones even! Definitely worth a look-see.

  3. Sorry you're still feeling poorly. Good looking start to 2018. Bones Spiders?

    1. Better now. Lots better.

      Nope, Dungeons and Dragons own minis line. Even more affordable than Bones and far crisper sculpts.

  4. 'flu is no fun, although I have thus far avoided it this season. Hope everyone recovers quickly!

    1. Fingers crossed your household remains that way mate.

  5. We were sick at my place too, though sounds like you had it worse 🙁

    Glad you’re back in action. See you soon !

    1. Thanks Stew - looking forward to it very much.

  6. Nice buildings, winter Germans hmm. ..trying to get my soviets done in the next few weeks, spiders look like fun, I'm pretty sure I've got another one of those minotaurs if you fancy it, post me your address to caveadsum1471@yahoo.com and I'll pop it in the post, got to do that with Curts anyway and I'm never going to paint it!
    Best Iain

  7. Good luck, Dai! I'm looking forward to seeing how your scenery turns out.

    1. Thanks Matthew! Am hoping it will fit in well enough with what I already have...

  8. Haha my wife has corralled me into watching TNG for the first time, and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Glad to hear you’re over the worst of it. Looking forward to another year of top quality blogging!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Ed.

      Glad the missus has you on the right track. Funnily, we just finished up the 7th and final season - brought back memories for sure.
