11 December 2017

Comrade! (Part 24 - Some More Soviet Veterans and a few other things)

These guys were staring at me with accusatory glares for being unfinished so I grabbed these three and got them off the painting queue. Pic is a bit naff, but I'll take better ones once the whole squad is finished. Two more and then I'll move on to those often talked about Winter Germans. Finally.

Also got this small pile of crates scatter terrain thing done. Wanted it to be useful for more than on game, hence it didn't get the Winter treatment. Found it in the bargain case at my LGS for a very reasonable price about a year ago.

Soviets are in this pic to give you an idea of scale.
Last, I based up and prepped this lot of random stuff. They are going to get sprayed with primer this evening - a random assortment of Games Workshop stuff including both old and new sculpts, a trio of barrels to at to my scatter terrain collection, a WW2 Winter German MG team, a herd of Dark Ages sheep, some books (On pins) for those bookshelves I showed off recently and a robo-thing on the far left that I took from one of my son's old action figure collection.

Cheers for looking. :)


  1. Lovely work, man! You're just killing it with the winter scheme - Awesome stuff!

    1. Thanks mate. I'll be sure to get an armywide post up to show them all together once I have finished up the last two.

  2. Painting is awesome. So this will complete the Soviets?

    That last pic is The most random assortment of stuff ever! 😀

    1. Nope, two more members of this squad to go and then I'll call them done. For now.

      Heh, it's an eclectic collection. Just odds and sods that needed prepping.

  3. Nothing more fun than a tray of random stuff!
    Keep up the good work man.

    1. Keeping the hobby vibes alive! Cheers old boy!

  4. These Soviet Winter postings are always a treat, Dai, and this one doesn't disappoint. Corking work on the trio imho, again putting "Warlord Games" official paint-jobs to ever-lasting shame!!

    1. As ever Simon, you flatter me. Thankyou my friend.

    2. With regard to this, Dai...

      Once you've taken some good group shots of them completed, you should send Jamie Tranter a link: he's always on the lookout for well-balanced WG toys for WG themselves, and he's a decent bloke too.

      Plus, Winter Soviets are quite Zeitgeist-y at the mo...

    3. For 'well balanced', read 'well painted'.

    4. O no, theyre not good enough for that. Not anywhere near good enough.

    5. Yeah they are. They quite literally are.

      Happy New Year, mate.

  5. Nice work on these soviets and the crates look great, misread Dark Angels sheep well it seemed a nice idea, got a pile of soviets onto the priming sticks so some progress, nice mix of stuff to prime, especially the dark green sheep!
    Best Iain

    1. Dark angels sheep!? That sounds like a fantastic idea! XD

      Excited to get a peek at those Soviets mate!

  6. Excellent work. I do love Winter themed forces they always looked great when all en mass. Nice work on the scatter terrain as well. It looks really good I quite enjoy stuff like that when the mood is right its quite cathartic.

    1. Exactly. Good feeling as it gets taken off the to-do list. Cheers Simon.

  7. Looks like it could be a Necromunda gang in the making in that to prime shot. (Tech gangers, Orlock, Delaque, the resin judge with cyber hound)

    1. O yes, a militaristic gang but it would work i imagine.
      My plan for them was to add them to my small force of older metal guard mercs.
      FW Arbites plus hound tho will be added to my Inquisimunda group.

  8. Looking good, we need to get together for a game or two after the holidays!

    1. Thanks Rich. That sounds like a great idea mate, you still have he same phone#?

    2. Excellent. Let us get this xmas crap out of the way and then arrange something

  9. Great work as always. I struggle with painting white and other bold colours, you've done a smashing job.

    1. Thanks Ed. In order to paint bold, you have to show no fear.

      Or something.


  10. Ha! What a great collection of Stuff to batch-prep! Love it.

    I think we need a close-up of that robo-thing you nicked from your son, though...

    1. I will dedicate a whole post to it mate, no worries.

  11. Good looking stuff. I had to reread your post a couple of times because I was convinced that the books on pins were road signs.

    1. Ha! Makes them easier to paint tho i think next time i will just glue them in prior to painting.
