21 November 2017

Something Fishy (Part 5 - Carcharodon Primaris Reiver - Done!)

No WIP pics for this one. Managed to get him done in two extensive late-night sessions (And paying for that with extreme neck pain.).
Same recipe as the previous two. Tried to paint him up some Maori-style facial tattoo's and echo the design (Somewhat) on his chest and pauldron.
Fun fig to work on and after swearing up a storm whilst trying to paint (And re-paint) the tat', the rest of him went along smoothly.

As usual, these pics were taken pre-matt varnish, so he'll probably look lots better after it has dried. (He's currently languishing in the garage drying area)

Left to do on this project is one more Primaris and a solo Scout.


  1. Simply outstanding stuff Dai. Whilst I miss my usual tipple of Soviet Winter soldiers, these Space Sharks are more than making up for it!! Great work - what a cracking force these'll be on the tabletop.

    1. There's still 5 more Soviets on the paint table to come, and soon too I think if I'm not too busy over this Thanksgiving weekend, so keep an eye open for their post soon.

      Already with just the three of these scaly buggers, it's looking pretty cool. Still three more to come though!

  2. Replies
    1. Was a fiddly bitch, but I got it to at least "acceptable" and am calling it "done". :)

  3. These just keep getting better and better! Awesome work, man!

  4. Blimey. That's a really impressive piece of work! You're just getting better at this aren't you?

    1. Dunno about that Ed. But thanks loads anyway!

  5. Lovely work, he's come out as well as the rest!
    Best Iain

  6. Loving the art work on the face plate!

    1. Am glad you like it matey. Next one will get the same treatment, so watch this space.

  7. Replies
    1. Kind of you to say as much Simon, thankyou.

  8. Wow, that's a creepy bastard... well in keeping with their background. Is the scout a regular marine, or a kitbashed Primaris one?

    1. Was trying for the creepy side of the chapter, so am glad you see it as much.

      The scout is a regular marine - I really liked the idea of him being a true newer recruit, yet to grow much in his role as a rookie.
