12 November 2017

Something Fishy (Part 4 - Carcharodon Primaris #2 Done!)

The second of my Carcharodon Primaris Lieutenants got finished up this weekend. Not happy at all with his free hand effort, but it'll have to do. I tried to replicate his tattoo design on the side of his helmet - it's close enough i think. Also his pauldron art has a similar design on the side of his gun. Again, not very happy but patience is not an infinite resource in my hobby room.
His chest armour and helmet are a different shade of grey from his arms and legs. Felt as he is supposed to be a leader that he'd perhaps be allowed a little artistic license with his own suit of armour whilst at the same time sticking with the chapter's scheme.
Next i think I'll tackle a Primaris Reiver.


  1. Terrific work, Dai. He really looks the business imho. This is going to be a great looking force so keep with it as I'm loving the attention to detail you're putting into these guys :-)

    1. Thanks Simon. Only three more to paint up. Will be a nice Kill Team for some skirmish system or some such I think.

  2. Looks brilliant man. You should not be giving yourself a hard time over the results. It's fantastic.

  3. The awesomeness continues - Great work, man!

  4. Looks great, give yourself a break! Seriously he's come out really well.
    Best Iain

  5. Now that is great! Somewhat hard to do all that for a full army... but how stunning if you did! (and a warband is much more achievable!)

    1. Cheers mate. Agreed, it would take a lot of time and patience to apply this type stuff to a whole army, a lot more time and patience than I think I could ever muster. ^_^

  6. Mr Dai, that's butter on a Pop Tart good.

  7. Your work on these space fish continues to crank open my jaw.

    1. Kind of you to say as much Matthew. Might want to watch out for a case of TMJ if that jaw issue continues. ;)

  8. Very well painted as always my friend.
