27 November 2017

A Small Mind is Easily Filled with Faith

This is an Imperial Preacher for my long unloved Inquisimunda project. I'd previewed a WIP a while ago and hadn't touched him since until this weekend. Nice to get him off my paint desk.

He's a really cool characterful sculpt and will make a nice addition to my Inquisitor killteams for if/when I play Shadow War: Armageddon again.

Seeing this closeup, I realised I missed painting in the scars on his right cheek... Grr.

I also got my craters done (From Soviet Artillery) for my Snow Board that my WW2 Soviets and Germans will fight over. Just old CD's with tin foil glued on and spackle spread over that. Not amazing, but they'll do - though I think I'll add some more snow effect to create more of a contrast as looking at this pic, they look kind of bland right now. :/

Also started on some 3D printed rpg terrain I purchased ages ago. These shelves will have tiny books on them eventually.

Next up, who knows? :) Maybe some Winter Soviets, or another Carcharodon.


  1. Nice preacher,I like his ramshackle look and you have a nice contrast of colours without going mad, good to get stuff finished and be able to move on, I've been doing a bit of terrain as well, I like the tiny shelves too.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. He's been sat staring at me for months and i just had to get that beady stare elsewhere.

  2. He's my absolute favourite cleric. And you've done him justice.

    1. Glad he passed the Zzzzzz test. ;)
      He's my fav too.

  3. Classic figure that embellishes any 40k game. (plus he has enough equipment to add some serious capability to any gang)

    1. Thanks mate. He is indeed decked out with a lot of damage dealing equipment. But can he stop himself from declaring his own scurrilous team mates as heretics!?

    2. Sounds like an ongoing willpower test, modifed by heretical actions on the part of his team.

  4. Awesome preacher and nice furniture!

  5. Its always a great feeling to get an old partially-painted mini off the desk, Dai, and this one must be doubly satisfying considering how well he's turned out. Marvelous stuff.

    1. Thanks as always for the encouragement Simon. :)

  6. That is top, top stuff!

    Love the aged look to the wooden staff and the determination you have painted into the eyes.


    1. Thanks Riot. Glad my effort paid off in that respect!

  7. I’m glad that you pointed out the missing part on the right cheek as I was nagging me...😐

    That’s an awesome paint job! Great to get a figure off the desk so it stops staring at you accusingly. I’ve a Viking figure that I had to banish to the garage for the same reason.

    The other terrain projects look like good progress as well.

    1. Ha! Upon closer inspection, I guess it's not as noticeable if it weren't me viewing him...

      Thanks matey.

  8. Brilliant work, Dai. The details on your preacher really pop. His book/banner looks particularly good.

  9. Such a brilliantly characterful mini. Splendid, mate!

    1. Kind of you to say as much Drax. Cheers!

  10. Nice work on these, and the previous marine. I think 2018 will be the year of terrain for me.
