08 May 2017

It's not Necromunda, but close enough.

Rubbish picture

Still, I was rather excited when GW unexpectedly came out with this (not) Necromunda reboot and so I preordered the rules, my first proper GW purchase in a long time. Necromunda was my fav Games Workshop game to play as a teen and with all the up-until-now unused 40K minis in my bits boxes I won’t have to buy anything new just to play. Just need suitable terrain. Add to the fact that Sean (Seans Wargames Cornerblog) and Lasgunpacker (His blog) are planning to come over on the 1st weekend of June for a game or two and I feel I have just the inspiration I need to get working on stuff for the day. It's nice to have something concrete to work toward rather than just the notion that "my unpainted pile needs to get worked on". 

For the event, I plan to run an Inquisitor's Killteam so I can use a mix of different characters. I think along with the Genestealer cultists that they have the most interesting and varied options to muck about with during team generation. More on these in a later post.

 The above thing is a crude terrain piece in preparation for the games. Looks shite right now, but painted up it'll do just fine for an industrial storage tank scenery piece. Wish I had better options than bend straws, but I'm not about to spend out on custom terrain stuff anytime soon. I also picked up a pack of Hotwheels straight track pieces for walkways between the buildings I plan to make. These will help with the required 3D look and feel to Necromunda/SW:A.

Whilst no painting has been done since my last post, I did (This very day infact.) manage to purchase off a work mate these  boys, the original metal Orlock gang that GW made for Necromunda's initial release. Stupid thing is I used to own them already but sold them off a few years ago! Wont be making that same mistake again though... 


  1. Funnily enough my pre-ordered copy of the rule book is sitting in my LFGS awaiting collection.

    I only bought it so I could play an Inquistor warband!

    1. Look forward to seeing what you come up with!

  2. Good stuff, man! I rather dig it as a nod the old Necromunda. I wish it had a bit more in the way of campaign/gang depth but it'll do in a pinch!

    I'm holding out hope that Forge World will do some actual Necromunda as they'd teased a while back...

    1. Yeah a bit more depth would be nice for the between game portion like in necromunda, but funnily the lack of depth is what got some on board with this, which is fine I guess as it got people actually playing!

  3. Looking forward to seeing where this goes, sound like a blast.

    1. Thanks Michael! I'll do my best to not disappoint.

  4. How odd... I've just arranged to play a game of this on Wednesday. I think my attitude was the same - a move in the right direction, but why oh why can't they just support the original Necromunda? The army lists look completely flat and flavourless compared to the old classics ("Astra Militarum Kill Team") - but as you say, close enough for me to give it a try. Thanks for the heads up!

    1. Hope you manage to get a few photos of your game Ed.

      Cheers mate.

  5. Awesome stuff Dai. I pre-ordered the book too, so I'll be very interested to see what your thoughts are on this version, and see your kill team in action :-)

    1. There will be reports! Watch this space...

  6. I am also interested in this game :)
    I'm waiting for your progress :)

    1. Everyone has ordered this - Great! Shame we all live so far apart, we could have a fun campaign!

  7. Like the terrain piece wip, sounds interesting but I shall resist as my will is strong, at least for a while!
    Best Iain

    1. Your will is weak just like everyone else's around here! ^_^ Submit...

  8. Still waiting on mine. I had it delivered to the house and it hasn't arrived yet. Those minis look nice and I agree, it's nice to have an actual reason to paint something other than "I should paint some of my lead pile."

    1. It's a nicely put together publication and a straight forward read. Am excited to play!

  9. Oh, Orlocks! I have a fair few of those kicking around as members of my original IG army. Probably not enough to contract back to a gang though.

    And terrain is always good, particularly as the Inquisitor list is pretty lacking in heavy weapons.

    1. Yeah, trying to get together enough stuff to make an appropriately packed table so firing lanes will be minimal.

  10. Bah ! Rools Shmoolz. Just change them to suit yourselves.

    1. You are not wrong there mate. Am sure some house rules will come into play on the day.

  11. Hi!

    Interestingly I picked up a copy of the rulebook myself and am now pondering an Imperial Guard (or whatever they are now called!) killteam!

    More interestingly, it's my second purchase from GW in as many months after almost a decade of giving them a miss!

    Can't wait to see what you come up with though as Necromunda was a cracking game and from my perusal of Shadow War, it's pretty good too!

    All the best!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Richard. I hope to have something up after this weekend - watch this space!

  12. I can't wait to find out how this new system plays out. Please keep us posted!

    1. Certianly will mate - expect a batrep or a few in the near future!

  13. Replies
    1. Sadly none were taken that were worth posting Leang Heng. But it was fun. Next time I play though I'll be sure to get some visual evidence!
