17 April 2017

Clever Hans (Part - 2)

Still, I managed to get a little paint slapped on a few minis last night as you’ll see below.

*please forgive the photos – I have run out of Testors  Dulcote, so the minis below are still awaiting flat varnish and some nice moisture-free daylight pics! (Go away rain)*

First is my first go at painting WW2 German uniforms for my Bolt Action Winter 1944 Eastfront project. He’s not perfect by any means, but he’ll do just fine for gaming and will match up well against my already previewed Winter Soviets.

You can see it on his left arm but this bloke is marked up as the squad leader - a sergeant or Corporal or something. He'll be leading my squad of SS-Panzergrenadiers. Whilst he's in Winter whites, others in his squad will get some Oak Leaf and Pea Dot camo garments here and there. 

I painstakingly researched all the correct colours for late war Winter German uniforms. Then promptly lost all my notes...       -__- So pretty much painted all of this in whichever colours I thought looked cool and seemed at least somewhat appropriate.

Next up are another pair of zombies for my contemporary setting. Once again, these were painted very simply – prime, base, wash and a slight highlight here and there. Have to say I really like these plastic kits – lots of well sculpted detail allowing for different racial make-ups, etc. My only complaint would be that there are not enough fat zombies – how am I supposed to represent Zombified Contemporary America with only skinny undead???

Can't see it very well in these pics, but the chap on the left seems to have been eviscerated in some fashion, whilst the lady on the right is waving what looks to be a Fibia in front of her.

Zombie bums

(Along with my Undead, I've also begun painting the Sarissa Precision mdf buildings that came with the Project-Z "Lock and Load" set. Only base coating so far, but these well designed pieces should add immeasurably to my games once done. No pics at this stage as there's still a long way to go on them.)

After I finished up the zombies, I got working on yet a different project, my Bolt Action Early War Commandos. These two will be my Lieutenant and Adjutant. Just WIP pics right now, but they are coming along very nicely and this is the first time I've attempted to paint a Denison Smock. Camo in general intimidates me, especially when it's historically based, so one should at least attempt to paint the scheme as close to records as one is able. Am hoping after some simple highlights and pictures in some far less harsh lighting that it'll stand out a bit more. 

The Commando on the left is by WargamesFoundry and a really nice sculpt - except (!!) his eyes. He looks like he is suffering from a horrible case of hayfever and has gotten all puffed up!
The Officer on the right is by Black Tree Design and is actually a Paratrooper mini. I chose him as my platoon leader because #1 I liked the mini and #2 the original Commando regiment was made up of volunteers from all branches of the Army, so I figured a former Paratroop officer would "Choose" to wear his Paratroop Denison smock to show his love for his previous regiment or some shit. It made sense at the time of purchase... At least his beret is proper Commando Green. 


  1. Great stuff Dai, with Hans being a truly stand-out mini for me. He is chock full of character in my books. Nice work on the Brits and Zeds too, though as you say, what is going on with the commando's eyes!?! Wonderful posting, and my sympathies Ref painting in pain - I do it all the time too.

    1. Thanks Simon. I'll get better pics of all of these once I replenish my varnish stores this weekend and the weather clears up.

  2. Wonderful work Dai, that first character has such a great expression.

    1. Thanks Michael. He was fun to paint once I got the colours down in my head.

  3. Nice work on these, and the rain is bound to end someday, and we can move into the "too hot" phase of the weather.

    1. Yup - Norcal is ugly in the Summer. O well, unlike the UK, at least we actually get a "Summer"!

      Thanks mate.

  4. Maybe being a zombie is really slimming?

    Or the game is best in south coast Hermosa Beach?

    1. Ha! The Zombies of Beverly Hills. I see a new game setting...

  5. oh sweet Odin! Excellent work Dai!

  6. Very tasty there Dai, nice use of a SS Charlemagne set figure (They happened to be the first WW2 figures I ever bought). :)

    1. I had to get the Charlemagne squad once I was set on starting a German army. So much character in those sculpts.

      Cheers Chico!

  7. Looks pretty productive to me. The guys eyes are a little strange. I always try to stay away from historically accurate and just get a feel for what I'm going for. That splittermuster I did awhile back was a right pain.

    1. Guess that's the peril of starting down the "Historical" gaming rabbithole.

      O well, I've been there for a while now and it doesn't look like I'll be leaving anytime soon! :)

  8. Lovely work, man - Sorry to hear about the neck, may be worthwhile to attempt to adjust the painting position to allow for better ergonomics?

    I definitely have to make a conscious effort to sit up straight while painting, I do a bit too much hunching over for my own good at times...

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! I already work at a standing desk, much like my setup at my workplace. There's not really all that much more than can be done outside of a nerve blocking injection into the base of my skull. :)

  9. Wonderful painting on your winter German and your Hetzer from your previous post.

  10. Your first german looks great , the zombies look unpleasant and I've had to carve eyes on a number of Foundry figures which is a bit of a chore.
    Best Iain

    1. Hrm.... Guess I'll have to get creative with the Commandos faces then... That sucks.

      Cheers Iain.

  11. Dai:
    Fabulous work, mate, even with a gamy neck. Well done. the NCO has tons of character, and you are right, American zombies would tend to the obese. One could probably outrun most of them, but it would be bad being cornered by so many tubby corpses.
    Love the commandos, though what is with the helmet on the left? As for the officer, I spent 3 years with the British Army and noticed that their officers still wear pretty much whatever they want. No two are ever alike.

    1. Thanks Mike. That's how zombies should be - weight of numbers being their deadliest aspect and not fast. Fast zombies are rubbish.
      Not a helmet, a beanie - not all that well sculpted, so I'll paint some stripes to show the knitted ribbing later on.
      Good to know I wasn't too far off then on the Lieutenant!

  12. Sorry to hear about your neck, Dai. I hope it's better soon. Well, you're working with it well, because you've done some beautiful minis. I love those zombies especially.
    (I will also say that running out of Dullcote is one of my nightmares. It would grind my painting to a complete halt.)

    1. Thanks Matthew.

      Hoping to sort out the Dullcote issue this very weekend.

  13. "I painstakingly researched all the correct colours for late war Winter German uniforms. Then promptly lost all my notes... -__- So pretty much painted all of this in whichever colours I thought looked cool and seemed at least somewhat appropriate."

    = Me.

    Nice one!

    1. Heh! Thanks mate. Sometimes it's easier to just let it happen and to stop worrying so much about the little issues.

  14. Wonderful work Dai, that first character has such a great expression.


    1. Heh, I like him too. Thanks for the kind words mate!
