27 June 2017

Overdue - Lotsa WIPs

Been out of the loop for a bit – my Father died unexpectedly on the 17th May and so my hobby mojo disappeared for a while there.

After sorting out his funeral arrangements in Texas and a lot of alcohol, here I am back again to show what work has since (Like, just this past weekend) has gotten done.

(All pics are WIP’s, incase you get confused.)

First up, there’s going to be a Bolt Action tournament next month on the 16th at my LGS that I’m intending to attend. I switched up my normal Soviet list to try something new, with more infantry and a smaller armoured asset (Because that T34/85 is a pretty large points sink.). To this end, I have finally started work on my Lend Lease M3 Stuart. There’s a fun (And why wouldn’t you?) addition you can take to give the thing a total of 5 Medium Machine Guns, so I’m sure there’ll be a few groans amongst potential opponents when they see it plonked on the table.

So far it’s just been primed, base coated in Vallejo Russian Armour and had Winter White Wash applied. (Just watered down white paint slapped on with a small flat brush.) Still lots to go – Weathering, Markings and mud&snow effects.

I also painted up the Tank Commander. She is the only mini that I’ve finished painting on. I like her scared expression – after I told my regular opponent Densmol about the Stuart, he just laughed and announced “Good more food for my Tiger.”. Her expression is her realization of this fact. :)

After I get the Stuart painted up, I’ll get working on the new squad of infantry in my list. These chaps are Warlord Games’ Winter Soviet Veteran set and will look very cool all painted in whites to go with the rest of my Winter theme’d army.

On the spur of the moment, I also picked up a new transport option for my Soviets, a Lend Lease M3 Half-track. This is a Blitzkrieg Miniatures resin model that I managed to grab very affordably in their recent single-day 50%-off sale. So far it’s cleaned up and ready for priming, but not a priority to get working on just yet as it’s not included in my tournament list. It came with no crew, so I also converted a plastic Soviet tank commander to fit in the driver’s seat. Even though his arms are folded, once in the half-track you can’t tell, so he’ll work fine.

Shortly before I traveled to Texas, I managed to play Shadow War: Armageddon with Sean and LasGunPacker at my house. Didn’t get to finish up my terrain pieces as I’d hoped, but we got in two games and had a lot of fun. Unfortunately I didn’t get any good pictures of the games, but LasGunPacker  did and stuck up a good post on his blog describing the first game for those interested. One of the terrain pieces I was working on is the below. Not going to paint it up for a bit though as I’ve no games right now scheduled for the near future, but I think at least it looks cool. Still a wee console thing to add to the top level, but otherwise this thing is good for gaming and provides a nice tall piece to play on.

The Shadow Wars games were so fun, I got some work done on an Imperial Guard Preacher model for my Inquisitor team. He’s about 80% complete.

Lastly, I realized I haven’t much in the way of random scatter terrain to lay down for (any of) my games, so I started working some on some resin and 3D printed crates, walls, bookshelves and objective-markers.

 That's it for now. Long post, but lots to see and hopefully some finished pieces to show off in next post. Cheers.


  1. Sincere condolences for your loss, really sorry to hear that.

    The Stuart and the Preacher both look great - good stuff, man!

    1. Cheers mate, hope to have finished pics up after the weekend.

  2. 5 medium machine guns seems like quite a lot! Fortunately contained in one thin skinned target.

    That preacher is quite good, even at only 80% finished, and one of my favorite models too, so double good.

    Thanks again for hosting the SW:A game, it was great fun.

    1. Yep, that is the tradeoff. I suspect it'll be doing a LOT of hiding as I'm guessing it'll become a magnet for every enemy anti-tank asset on the field!

      Glad you attended mate. Hopefully we can organise another session soon.

    2. Yeah, later in July maybe?

    3. That works mate. Let me know weekend daytimes you have free and I'll get working again on getting that terrain finished up.

  3. Dai, I am so sorry to hear your sad news, but I am pleased that you have found some escape with the hobby. My best wishes.

    1. Kind of you to say as much Michael, thankyou.

  4. I'm sorry for your loss, Dai.

    The stuff looks good, I'd call it done...

    1. Far from done I'm afraid, but they soon will be!

      Cheers mate.

  5. My sincerest sympathies, Dai, but its good to see you back in hobby after such a terrible shock; I know I found it a great 'escape' when I lost my father.

    The WIPs are awesome too, and its great to see you getting into "Shadow Wars" as I have the book myself, just not the time to paint anything for it yet. great to have you back - you were much missed, buddy :-)

    1. Really appreciate the sentiments Simon. It was nice to pick up the brushes again. Life moves on.

      There'll be more SW:A content coming up cos along with that Preacher, the team still needs it's Inquisitor!

  6. Never an easy thing to deal with Dai. I hope you and yours are as ok as you can be in the circumstances.

    1. Thanks Jamie - life is finally getting back on track.

  7. A lot of awesome stuff here!

    and a big condolences for your loss :(

  8. Hi mate, really sorry to hear your news I know it's tough. The Stuart looks great, I want one now! Only I've just bought a KV2 and a universal carrier to add to my other soviet tanks and I haven't so much as assembled one figure! Maybe next year?
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, get on with it man! You have some seriously cool models there that need some hobby love!

  9. Glad you're home safe and sound and sorry again.

    Nice to see you back on the blog and hopefully see you soon - ish.

  10. Sorry to hear about your loss.

    Good to see you blogging again.

    1. Thanks mate - trying to get back to regular posting.

  11. Damn! Sorry to hear about your dad, Dai. Might just PM you in a bit...

    Love that M3; love the M3 Kommander even more!

    And you realise, of course, that you will be universally hated if you field the five-MG version...

    1. Cheers matey.

      Yes, I'm aware, but it was too cool to pass up - 25 MG dice! ^_^

  12. Sorry to hear about ya Pa, I didn't wonder what happened to you. Glad you are ok and have some hobby mojo back.

    1. Cheers Chico. Nice to re-find the energy to get back to work for sure!

  13. Very sorry to hear your news Dai. Those are some excellent models, your 'snow weathering' is setting the pace for us all as usual.

    1. Thanks Ed on all accounts.

      The snow weathering really isn't that tricky and for the most part is an exercise in "slapping medium on" where it looks "right". :)

  14. Lots of good stuff Dai. I still need to write up those reports.
