13 March 2017

Lug versus the Undead

Done, in all his wasp-y finery. Lug is the 1st Relic Knights mini I’ve painted in a rather long time. I tried to stick to the colour scheme of his artwork from his stat cards and also in the rule book as I liked how it stood out and because I hadn’t painted that much yellow at one time in a long time.

The mini was produced in horrible restic plastic, but thankfully no detail was lost or was softened (As happens a lot when minis are produced in this medium in my experience) due to Lug being a larger sculpt. The mini was primed grey like 90% of my figs and then base coated in a mustard yellow (Proper paint name escapes me.) and Codex Grey and then washed with Gryphonne Sepia Wash and Nuln Oil respectively. I built up the grey’s with successive layers of Codex grey lightened with white, and the yellows likewise with the mustard colour lightened. The black areas got a little highlight with P3 Cryx somethingorrather and then Nuln Oil wash applied on top. All green areas were painted with a Vallejo bright green/German-camo colour, lightened with white and a wash of an older Citadel green. The base is pretty simple Army Painter Gunmetal washed with Nuln Oil and highlighted with the Gunmental again, with an old Citadel Bronze here and there as spot colours.

I’ve started work on Lug’s pal, Betty as well, though progress is slow. Again, I’ve tried to stick with the scheme shown in the artwork, but goodness trying to paint those chequers is a pain in the arse! Hope to have her posted up sometime this week.

I also got time to finish the first 5 of my zombies I’d planned to paint this year. Just simple efforts, base-coats with Agrax wash and some simple Tamiya Clear Red+a drop of brown ink for blood effects. They are going to die in droves and I am not about to put that much effort into minis that aren’t going to stay on the table very long! They look good enough for gaming in my eye and made a nice distraction whilst watching Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny on Netflix yesterday. :)


  1. Ho ho! A lot of great looking miniatures! Love your projects!

    1. Heh, cheers Michal, I'm glad you do!

  2. What a great start to the project, Dai. Tremendous yellow on the robo and a fine gathering of zeds too. Marvelous stuff, simply marvelous.

    1. Thanks loads Simon - Lots more Zeds to come!

  3. Is that the beginning of your "arseload of zombies" ?

    1. Yep. Lots more on the way. I paint slow.

  4. Excellent work and loving the new zeds.

    1. I like them too. Warlord Games plastics from their Project Z game. Crisp characterful sculpts.


  5. Looking great man! Bumblebee rocks!

    1. Heh - yeah, Gorilla-Bumblebee at that. :)

      Thanks Rich.

  6. Awesome! Really dig how that turned out, man!

  7. Superb he has come out very satisfactorily indeed. Awesome job dude!

  8. Lug looks good and nice zombies!
    Best Iain

  9. Good choice sticking with the grey and yellow as the colours work well together. Superb painting all round.

    1. Thanks Pat, I'm a fan of the scheme too.

  10. I like it. You've teased me with bums and boobs, so I'm ready to see the mechanic.

    1. Hehe - she's on that painting block now!

  11. Dai, he's brilliant. Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks Matthew. New post with his pal Betty should be up sometime tomorrow.
