24 March 2017

Blackeyed Betty

I will say this now - I really dislike trying to paint Anime style eyes. 💀💀💀

And, as you'll see below it shows. So apologies right up front for the shitty effort at painting them, I do very much intend to return to fix them at a later date when I am not nearing the urge to just feed her to an effin' blender.

Here's Betty, partner to previously shown Lug. She's a mechanic and Pit Boss to a racing team in the Relic Knights setting.That big yellow and grey gun thing she's toting is also some sort of future-tech wrench I believe. I tried to stick with the studio scheme to match Lug's paintjob and the illustration above. Painting chequers is a pain in the arse by the way when your brushpoints are all shot to bollocks.

*edit* I just realised that I forgot to paint the lenses of her goggles! 

Also picked up very affordably a Reaper Bones "Pillar of Evil", which was a stupid quick paintjob. Wanted it to look a bit like alabaster or some such. It has three sides, but all are identical. Wanted to test out Reaper's claim that their Bones plastic "needs no primer prior to painting", guess they were correct, at least on this piece. Very cool. Will make a nice rpg item of interest or something I can stick in photos of minis as background decor.

Also, after Simon posted up his lovely Dark Ages sheep at his blog from www.war-bases.co.uk, I just had to get a set. And I got a set of geese. and a wee pack of wolves. And a pair of Highland coos and their coo calf. Blame Simon and visit his blog - he churns out a lot of cool stuff and it's a varied so there'll be something for everyone's gaming blog tastes!


  1. I think you're doing yourself a great dis-service on both the eyes and the checkers, Dai. She looks great imho, and hopefully next time we'll see a pair-shot of Betty and Lug? Pretty please ;-)

    Many thanks indeed for the plug too, buddy, very much appreciated, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with those farm animals enormously :-)

    1. Heh, thankyou mate. The livestock will be mainly "scenic enhancements" for the most part.

  2. This lady looking great! I love her face. Sexy and dangerous :)

    1. Kind of you to say Michal-thanks loads.

  3. I agree with Blaxkleric, I think you've done a fine job on the eyes. Great stuff!

    1. I aim to make them better mate cos I know I can.

      Thanks for the support!

  4. Progressing nicely eyes look good dude. What a cracking mini!

  5. I think she looks terrific mate!

  6. The Welsh have a nasty reputation concerning sheep... your comment may have merit. 😁

  7. Eyes?

    - I didn't even notice her eyes...

    1. And a father of two... for shame mr.
