09 March 2017

Lug (WIP)

In my last post I mentioned I had started work on a couple of Relic Knights minis, Betty and Lug. These two are a mechanic (Betty) and her Chee (The sentient robots of the setting) bodyguard (Lug). In-game, they are a team you can choose to play from the Cersi Speed Racer faction (Mostly girl faction of very fast, but low armoured troop choices. Lots of bums and boobs though.) and can pack a punch in hand-to-hand combat.

This scheme is based off the studio scheme and rulebook artwork. I've found painting yellow isn't all that tricky and rather rewarding to be honest.

Just a couple WIP pictures of Lug thus far. I’ve still loads to get done on his grey parts, black stripes, green glowy bits and facial details. O and the base, though that’s going to be very simple metallic. I hope to get more painting done tonight and might even get him complete if I have enough time after working out.
Kind of wished I'd glued him further back on his base - the mini is a little front heavy. Might add some counter-weight to the underside of the base's rear area to compensate.

(Betty has also gotten a little paint on her, but the orange I had tried using left a horrible finish, so I may well have to strip her *ooo err missus* and start again.)

*O and to allay any fears to the contrary, I have NOT given up alcohol. The title to my last post was in response to the “World Book Day/week/month/whatever” posts I’d seen of late. “Five give up the Booze” is a book I’d recently finished reading based off of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five series – some sort of parody novel.



  1. Great WIP, Dai. The yellow is looking very impressive. Great miniature which your paint-brush is doing full justice to :-)

    1. As ever you are the flatterer mate. Hope to have the finished piece up over the weekend.

  2. Now that's an impressive piece of work.

  3. I have to be honest I really enjoy painting yellows.

    Nice paint job.

    1. Cheers mate. Hope you'll like the finished product too.

  4. I dig it - That's looking great, man!

    1. Thanks mate - not up to the standards of your own lovely Yellow recipe, but I like it. :)

  5. Very, very nice - I always struggle with bright colours so that's particularly impressive!

    1. Funny, I struggle with darker colours like slate greys and black. Weird how that works.

      Cheers Ed.

  6. Nice start some lovely surfaces on that mini. Its gonna be a corker when finished.

    1. Thanks Simon - hope to get lots more done this weekend.

  7. I agree with everyone else - you really nailed that anime yellow. Beautiful work!

    1. Thanks lots mate. Anime tends to be bright and happy for the most part and the artwork for this bloke doesn't dissapoint, so I've good reference points for sure.

  8. Very nice, nice yellow which to be honest I'm a bit hit or miss with.
    Best Iain

    1. I really should start sticking up my painting recipes when I'm doing these to hopefully help people try out newer and easier ways of doing stuff... Hrm...

  9. Ooh very nice, I'm only vaguely familiar with these miniatures but I heartily approve of those crisp bold colours, fine work sir.

    1. Cheers Kieran! Lovely of you to drop by.

  10. Very Nice work. I find yellow incredibly challenging to get a good even coverage.

    1. I think starting off with mustard type base helps. Also a grey primer. At least for me.

      Cheers mate
