01 February 2017

Riding in style

Since last post there's been precious little going on in the hobby room. The mojo has sputtered and I left it alone to regain it's strength. Which it has, a little.

There is a Bolt Action tournament on the 12th at my LGS that I intend to attend hoping that my recently previewed Soviet force can win their first game and *gasp* perhaps more. (?)

A revision of my army list after my previous two games lead to the conclusion that I needed more infantry in my force. This lead to me dropping my Medium mortar (I still have the ZIS-3 gun to drop artillery bombardments.) and that my Recce option of the BA-64 Armoured Car is pants. The points freed allowed me to include my freshly painted Scout Veterans squad and add in a cheeky Commissar to help keep my Inexperienced squad motivated!

Cool image - I'd have liked to have gotten a 2nd pack of the Tank Rider sculpts to really pack them on to the back.

This means I'll need to paint up my Commissar mini (Easy to achieve in 11 days), but also I wanted to pimp out the army for display purposes some and slapped paint on the Tank Riders "mounted" marker I'd stuck together. They are all warlord metal sculpts aside from the greatcoat pointy fellow who is plastic. The sculpts were very characterful with nice poses (Though fine detail was often messed up with miscasts, etc I think due to old molds. They were also quite a bit smaller than their plastic counterparts, which was a little annoying.) and after a bit of fiddling about and a load of super glue (I really need to be more patient and just pin stuff!) they easily can be plonked on or removed from my T-34/85.

Forgive the crappy hobby-room lighting. 

Once I get the Commissar painted (To be previewed in the near future.) I will consider if I have time to make a quick display board or not. Time will be a big decider on this.

Pretty imposing I think!

That engines cover must be the only warm place in Poland for these blokes.

I've arranged the minis to look like they are hunkering down behind the turret for cover. Pointy chap is an idiot though and deserves to be sniped for poking his head up like that.


  1. Really nice work as always Dai. A bit of thoughtful planning as to how the models will sit, in things like this and in other dioramas or scenes, goes a long way and you can see it here.

    Need to get into BA.

    1. Yes you do. Just a little 500 point, Scipio-thematic force. (That'll inevitably grow into a 3000 point monster project! :P)

      Thanks matey.

  2. Wonderfully characterful tank riders, Dai. I think the chap pointing is excellent.

    1. Glad you like them Simon, whilst not at all required to play the game, they do add a little more visually.

  3. Ho ho! Excellent! Your Soviets project is masterpiece now!

  4. That looks absolutely stunning!

    1. Many thanks Michael. Dare I say it, but there's still more to come....

  5. Perhaps he's wearing lucky socks and feels a bit invulnerable today ?

    1. Socks, scarf, undies - all knitted by his Babushka. Of course. :)

  6. Those look good Dai, looking forward to seeing the commissar.

    1. Cheers Rich - Commissar incoming.... today infact. :)

  7. Love it, get the mojo back and produce more of this Dai!

    1. Wierd how it ebbs and flows, but I'll be darned if it isn't already fully powered! Cheers mate.

  8. Very cool. What's a Soviet force without Tank riders. Good luck with rejiggering your force. I like to play around with lists so I don't get bored with my army.

    1. The force is ready - probably still crap, but it'll be fun and that's all that matters int he end. :)

  9. Dai, that just looks fantastic. I love the wear and weathering effects!

    1. Thanks Matthew. Sponging effects in effect. Or something. :)

  10. Tank riders look great, I'm always tempted by them but budget says no!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. They're not needed really for gameplay, but the visual appeal won out for me.
