24 January 2017

SMG to the face

After my last game of Bolt Action, one clear indicator to me was that my Soviet army was lacking in sufficient infantry.

Therefore I painted these fellows up to fill that gap. Mainly because I like both the idea of them and their models are cool too. I painted them whilst watching the dull NFL Conference finals last weekend.

These are Soviet Scouts - they recce ahead of the main force and disrupt stuff until the main force arrives. I believe they can be veteran or regular ingame.

These are Black Tree Design minis. Very nice crisp sculpts with very little flash and all too affordable in one of their recent sales. 

Scout bums - very chilly.
Outstanding for the Soviets in my painting queue are a pair of Anti-Tank-Rifle teams, Light Mortar team, Medic, Officer and Commissar. (And potentially a wee tank, dependent upon certain events falling into place.)

Look at that, two posts in a week. Up next? Perhaps some zombies, another Commando or three or some random fantasy minis. Will see what takes my fancy.

- Ciao!


  1. Excellent minis and your painting incoming plans are very cool! I'm waiting :)

    1. Thanks Michal! Will try to get some stuff done this weekend.

  2. These boys look the business. Well done on two posts in week as well.

    1. Cheers Sean - 2's the lot though as I've had no time to paint since. :(

  3. Tremendous Dai, I just love the grim looking faces with the red nose, so characterful.

    1. According to what I've read on the Scout units, they were tough as nails, so tried to convey that in their faces. Glad it worked.

  4. What a corking group of Soviets Dai. I'm a huge fan of your Winter Army as you know, and these are right up there with your characterful best :-)

    1. My Soviets have yet to win a game though, so hopefully they'll live up to their reputation in the future!

  5. Great looking soviets, wee tank sounds good too.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Didn't want to expand further on the tank incase it doesn't work out.

  6. Lovely work, man - Really digging seeing this force coming together!

    1. Glad you like them mate. A few more pieces still to go, but for this year at least I'm almost done painting every Soviet mini I own.
