23 January 2017

United We Conquer (Part 1 - test scheme)

As the title might suggest (to some), I worked a little on my first WW2 Commando fig for the small 500 point force I got for Xmas. This mini is produced by British company Wargames Foundry and was a simple piece to work on and a relatively well sculpted figure with minimal mold-lines to have to (mostly) clean up. (More on that below)

This fellow will represent my Forward Artillery Observer, calling in bombardments from ship-bourne guns - a free addition to most all British forces in Bolt Action.

This fellow is graced with a large nose. 

Unit and rank markings were swiftly applied and not at all in any effort other than to represent the black & red badges of the commandos. On the tabletop no one can see them properly anyhow.

I've no idea what the black/grey thing wrapped about his chest is supposed to be or which colour I should have painted it. I looked through my small WW2 library and searched Google and could find nothing on them. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Remember when I mentioned mold lines? Yeah.... I missed a crap load on this piece and for some reason didn't even see them until I took these pics. Bah...
This paint job was fast and dirty and I think the other 25 Commandos in the force will paint up quite quickly like this. It's a bit sloppy but good enough for gaming. I like to think of these boys as being a 1940-ish Channel Isles raiding force!

As an aside, these boys got dunked into the stripping fluids this weekend. Blood Bowl fever has caught me - though I'll be saving my $$$ and not buy the new edition, instead, I'll play my old 2nd Edition rules. My son seems eager to play too, so that's a bonus. :)

Got these when 3rd Edition came out. As you can see, their paintjobs leave a lot to be desired. :/ New and improved Orcland Raiders coming to a blog near you soon!


  1. Lovely work, man - I really dig how he turned out!

  2. You say 'fast and dry' but that guy looks awesome. Blood bowl should be a laugh.

    1. Fast and dirty = strict lack of multiple highlights or blending! :)
      But kind of you to say so sir, thankyou.

  3. Looks pretty good to me Dai, looking forward to seeing the rest of the force now.

    1. They'll be a "bits done here, bits done there" project to break up the bigger projects. Hope they won't disappoint!

  4. Looks good. I do really like the WGF WW2 set a tad smaller than most 28mm stuff. I have pick up the German Fallschirmjager to make a Bolt Action Force of and they are fab minis. If your after extra stuff to convert then take a look at Perry Miniatures who sculpted the stuff for Foundry. They have there own ww2 range which looks like it would scale well.

    1. I love the Perry's WW2 stuff, though it's mostly for Northern Africa, which is not a theater I'm collecting/painting for right now.

  5. He looks decent Dai, can't wait to see the BB team, might have to dust off my high elf team!

    1. Cheers mate - the BB orcs are going to be a fun small project to get done. Hope you get the energy to work on the elves, those sculpts were cool.

    2. Mine aren't GW but are from an Aussie company called Shadowforge, they are really good sculpts but all female

    3. I've seen their BB teams. Some really nice minis in that range too.

  6. Dirty and done! Could the grey thing be some kind of weird life vest? I now have a project in addition to my Inquisimunda band, a Blood Bowl team, or 3.

    1. 3 teams! Perhaps you could have Bloodbowl as the theme of a future Oldhammer mag?


  7. Great stuff Dai, and good call on using the mini as a fao; he looks just the job!!

    1. Thanks! Just hope he does better when called upon ingame than my previous efforts with Bolt Action FAO's!

  8. Great looking commando, blood bowl does look good and I have got 3 old teams but that would ruin the painting schedule!
    Best Iain

    1. Wait, there's a painting schedule?! ^_^

      Cheers Iain.

  9. Lovely - quite slavic looking with that nose.

    1. I'd not thought of that until you mention it. Yeah, he definitely has that look to him, nice call.

      Thanks mate.
