02 February 2017

Not One Step Back!

Mojo returned. (Funny how that happens.)

Whilst watching the beginning of 5th season of Star Trek Voyager last night I worked on my Soviet Commissar for my Bolt Action army.

Move onward you dogs! (Whilst I hide behind this bush.)

The sculpt is by Warlord Games and came with a choice of heads, which I liked. There were few mold lines to have to clear up and the rest of the details were incredibly crisp and a joy to paint up.

Corellian Bloodsrtripes?!

I’d hoped originally to greenstuff a scarf onto him seeing as my force is Winter theme’d but didn’t want to hide any of his nice details so left him be. Instead, his hands were painted to look like he was wearing some leather gloves. That’s Wintery enough, right?

Pics were taken prior to a coating of Testors Dulcote due to the weather once again taking a turn for the sodden.

With him done, my tournament force is fully painted!

Next up, some terrain pieces – anyone know how to make icicles in 28mm?


  1. Excellent addition, glad the mojo has come back

  2. He's a fearsome looking chap, great job Dai.

    1. I wouldn't want to be on the business end of his temper.

      Thanks Michael.

  3. Lovely detail work on this chap and overcoats are for the weak when it's only-5 and your filled with soviet fervour, I saw the film commissar it was black and white and had been suppressed for decades, it was a bit like a spaghetti western if Clint Eastwood was a communist,female and pregnant!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha! Thanks Iain.
      Never heard of that film, but now I'm intrigued for sure!

  4. I'm trying to Russianise "Yarrick". That'd be a good name.

    1. But he doesn't have false arm or eye?

      Maybe Yorrick instead, as I have a feeling he's going to die lots ingame. :)

  5. He's quite splendid, Dai, I really like him. The face is well done, it does look like he is shouting proper Bolshevik spirit into some shirking poor bastards. Nothing says motivation like a Tokarev pointed in your direction. Much as we make fun of commissars, they were brave fellows, knowing that they would be shot out of hand if captured.

    1. Kind of you to say as much Padre. I seem to find I have far more patience when painting faces when compared to the rest of the miniature. This will have to change I think if I expect to win any painting scores worth a darn in a competition setting. :)
      They were brave, though they were zealots and like any zealots in any setting whether political, religious, or ideologist, they got what they expected in those situations I think. It's a risky venture to hedge all one's bets on one horse, so to speak.

  6. Great looking Commissar! I recently scored Imperial Commissar Yarrick in blister for my 40K stuff.

    1. Cheers matey!

      Ooo! The original or the equally lovely resculpt?
