14 February 2017

A bit more

A squad of Tommies cautiously head down the bocage to see if there's a tea shop in the village of La Chat Noir up ahead.

Painting has slowed a bit at Casa Dai for no particular reason – I’d wanted to get a 2nd officer mini for my Soviets painted up in a gamey fashion as he is armed with an SMG as opposed to my original which only has a pistol. The idea was that my Bolt Action army would be ready to kick rear end in the tournament this last weekend. But no, my neck and head were experiencing insufferable waves of pain and I had to cancel. So poo on that.

Still here he is, ready for the next event that might pop up in the future:

To "Winter" him up a bit, I green-stuffed a nifty scarf. Not great, but it does the job I think. (His SMG is slung across his back.)

I also got to work some on some Eastern Front buildings for my Winter Table project. The basic colours are laid down and now I need to work out how to make and apply a cost effective snow effect.

These are mdf efforts by the very splendid Charlie Foxtrot Models, a British company whose creations I've yet to find fault in. They go together better than 4Ground and are far cheaper. 

There were also 40th birthday shenanigans for my friend Stewart which featured many fun board games, a smashing X-wing battle (Where the Reb's, down to their last ship somehow managed to destroy the Imperial Shuttle...) and my new found love for “Ticket to Ride” (Which is now on my phone as a handy and fun app.).

Saw Lego Batman. You should too, it was very clever and funny too. 

The only sad thing of late is that my rpg group that typically meets once a week, has been on hold over this Winter due to illness, family visits, holidays, etc. It’s the longest break that we’ve had in our illustrious 14-year span of playing and it’s a bit poo really. Hope things get back to normal in March.


  1. Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly, but the officer looks great! What's the RPG du jour for your group?

    1. Thanks mate. We have played a lot of different games over the years. The regular systems are Pathfinder and a friend's very good homebrewed rules (Hope he gets them published some day...), but we also sling in to the mix some Cyberpunk2020, 80's James Bond, current Star Wars and MERPS too.

    2. Nice! Our group has been bouncing back and forth between the Rogue Trader campaign that I'm running and a Pathfinder-based Planescape campaign my buddy is running for us. It's nice to trade off GMing duties and play when I get burnt out and vice versa!

    3. Yeah, we all take turns to GM here and there. I prefer to play, but running a game (Whilst is a LOT more work) has it's appeals too.

  2. I hope everything rights itself soon.

  3. Our RPG Group hasn't met for over two years (due entirely to small people). But now has a date in the middle distance. Hope your neck gets with the programme soon.

    1. Hope nothing changes and the rpg session get's done. Nothing like pretending to be what you're not with like-minded nerds.

  4. Arg. Sounds like a terrible group of events. Back pain is the worst....and no RPG's with your friends to pass the time. Terrible stuff.

    Hope everything returns to normal soon.

  5. Get better soon Dai. Corking officer too!!

  6. I hope your neck and back get better soon. It sounds awful.
    I lovelovelove the Soviet officer. His cold, rosy cheeks are picture perfect. It's a hard effect to get right, but you nailed it.

    1. Thanks mate! A trip to my massage therapist helped some.
      Have to say he's become one of my fav to paint so far.

  7. Hope you're better soon, love the scarf on your officer looks great, I keep looking at my crate of soviets after seeing your posts but I'm on a renaissance spree and must stick to it!
    Best Iain

    1. Finish one project and then start the next. At least that's what I've been advised and consequently failed to do! :)

      Cheers Iain!

  8. Great opening shot of your lads boldly scouting down the road. So to hear about the neck headache thing. For me it was too much time hunched over a computer. Also a bummer about the RPG group, I hope that picks up. The one thing that crossed my mind about the Russian officer was, what football club does he support? ;)

    1. Heh, Drax had the scarf scheme right. I was inspired by Private Pikes, a character from a much beloved British show called Dad's Army.
      Working at a desk and too many video games buggered my neck up too. Poor posture...

      Thanks Sean

  9. There's lovely!

    I particularly like the Private Pike scarf - a clever way of wintering up indeed!

    1. Gracias amigo!

      Spot on with the Private Pike scarf. :)
