31 October 2016

Zomtober 2016 (Week 5 GOOOOOOLLLLL!!!!)

The mojo returned and my Zomtober 2016 goal of painting up my WW2 German zombies is completed afterall.

Nuff said.

All five of them, new arrivals at the fore. The bases need a wee bit of touching up on their edges, but otherwise I'm happy enough with them considering they were fast'n'dirty paint-jobs.

Unteroffizier (Not that zombies observe ranks or anything.) in the center, with Fraus Guts-out and Gammy Leg either side of him. 

Camo Smock things. Looked up some late late War camo designs and saw this relatively simple one. Contrasts well enough with the Feldgrau I think and doesn't look utter shite.

As you can see, Gammy leg has been dragging his right leg and bleeding all over the shop, whilst Guts-out (A design request from my son) seems to be dripping and slipping in... himself.
So there - Zomtober ended up a success afterall and I'm happy enough with the finished pieces.

Whilst basing these, I also got the painted-til-now Soviets based up too (Post on those to follow once all of the squad are done.). Two months until the end of the year and I think I can have my Bolt Action Soviets fully painted by then!

On the gaming front, got in a game of Star Wars: Armada with Densmol Saturday. My Imperial fleet fell to the massed firepower of Admiral Ackbar on his MC-80 and attendant bomber squadrons though. No blaming the dice on this one though, just pure silly Admiralship on my part. Loads of fun though!

Happy Halloween to you all! Hope all of you and your loved ones stay safe and dry out there. (I'll be handing out sweets again, which I very much enjoy as I love seeing all the little faces eager and excited for the holiday.)


  1. Wonderful posting Dai, and your son clearly has excellent taste when it comes to designing a zombie ;-)

  2. Excellent work Dai, and well done on your Zomtober efforts. :)

    1. I got there in the end. Thanks for hosting again!

  3. Great job Dai, they are wonderfully gruesome.

  4. These are bloody superb, particularly like the trails of blood on the snow. Top work sir!

    1. Thanks loads Kieran! They ended up being a lot of fun to paint.

  5. If the Wehrmacht had been an equal opportunities employer, then the undead could have been promoted just like anybody else (see what I did there ?)

    nice work Dai, btw.

    1. AHahaha! ^_^ Very clever good sir. Thanks.

  6. Beautifully done, man! Always loved the Weird War II vibe, and you've done a cracking job on 'em!

    1. Very kind of you to say so mate. Glad you like.

  7. Well done on hitting your target like the camouflage pattern and the gore works well. Looking forward to your soviets.
    Best Iain

    1. Cool, am happy they pass muster.

      Yes, a new squad should be ready to preview by Sunday or Monday!
