07 November 2016

Comrade! (Part 14)

Lots of time found for painting this weekend, which gave me ample opportunity to finish off my third and final squad for my WW2 Soviets. These guys are the "free" Inexperienced chaps that Soviet players get per their National rules. All armed with rifles and Anti-tank grenades/Molotov Cocktails.

With these done, I can go on to start work on my vehicles (More on those below) and final weapons teams. If this pace keeps up, I'll actually have a fully painted army before Xmas!

Lots more uniform looking fellows to this squad. Wanted them to look "Fresh out of basic training" with as much uniform gear as possible. 

I also kept their bases specifically bare of grasses or bushes to make them more distinctive in order to be able to tell them apart from my other squads all the easier. 

Squad leader pointing the way. Shite pic though as I couldn't get the phone camera to zoom in well enough. O well.

Firing Line - the mass of grey greatcoats and green helmets looks bloody cool to me.
With these finished I got going on the squad transport, a ZIS-6 truck. It's painted up to a basic tabletop level and I could just go and play with it as is, but to match the Winter theme I'll apply whitewash and weathering at the same time as the other two vehicles in my list (Tank and Jeep).

Model is a Resin and Metal effort by Warlord Games. Took a little warm water treatment to twist the truck bed straight and a little trimming of the cab room, but otherwise went together well and was relatively fun to paint up. 

Just a quick spray of varnish and it'll be ready for the next step.

Work was also started on my little GAZ-67 Soviet jeep. Not much left to get it up to the standard of the above truck.

This thing's got a drive too who is also on the list. 
Hope to have lots more done this weekend as I'll have the house blissfully to myself for most of the time! :)


  1. Very nice, I do like your Valhallans. If they're free as per the national rules, is there an upper limit on the numbers ? Or is art allowed to mirror life, ie can you just flood the board with cheap (free) troops.

    1. Valhallans. :) Yes, they could be. I should pick up another box of these and put them together with my old RT lasguns just for you.

      The National rule allows a Soviet player to have a free squad of Inexperienced infantry to account for the idea that the Soviets had more manpower than sense, so they would be the only "free" unit you'd get. But you can still take a bunch of very cheap (Points-wise) similarly decked out Inexperienced squads to make a massive horde of troops should you wish.
      I can't be arsed to paint that many infantry though, so I'll pass on this idea.

  2. Fantastic finished unit and transport too! Molotovs looks great.
    So, I'm waiting for soviet jeep now :)

    1. Thanks Michal - hope to have both vehicles ready to post up on Sunday. Promise you won't be disappointed. :)

  3. Love the truck. I'm not sure if it's the colour balance of the green with the wood, or the window reflections or what, but lovely.

    1. Thanks Dave. Hope the addition of whitewash and mud/snow will make it look even better.

  4. My word you have really pushed on, great additions Dai.

    1. I'm determined to have this army completed by the end of the year Michael! :)

      Thanks muchly.

  5. The vehicles look terrific Dai

  6. Nice vehicles, I do like a Gaz, lovely looking infantry l like the overall uniform look for this unit.
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain. I am partial to the GAZ as well - ugly adorable little thing.

  7. Good to hear it was a painty weekend. I like the reflections in that truck window, looks very eye catching.

    1. Glad the effect paid off! Was worried it looked a little cartoony. This coming weekend should prove to offer some more alone time, so I hope to get lots more done.

  8. Marvellous stuff Dai, you really are a master with these Soviet plastics imho. What's the plan once this Red Army is finished? test them out in some BatReps or simply pop them in the post to me ;-)

    1. Once these Red Army boys are done, I'll get on to their opponents, some Winter Germans!

      And yes, there'll be batreps aplenty once they all look good enough en masse for photos.

  9. Looking good. It's really nice to see a project getting done. I wish I could say the same for myself.

    1. Thanks Sean, am almost there.

      Mojo's come and mojo's go. You'll get back to it when it feels time mate.
