27 October 2016

Zomtober 2016 (Week 4)

Finished up these two WW2 German zombies last night for my very much side-project (Weird War 2) Konflikt ’47 collection. They were made from the plastic Warlord Games German Grenadiers boxed set. I wanted to keep them “gore-lite” and so just a single obvious wound on both. (It struck me that horribly mutilated or injured corpses would not work for reanimation as they’d be too mucked up!)

Painted these with a similar formula that I used for my fantasy zombies. One is missing a hand, the other got shot in the eye.

Eye-shot has an exit wound in the back of his head, which I thought was fun.
Uniforms were painted with no particular unit or theater in mind but I think at least can't be confused as anything other than a Heer uniform.

As my current 28mm WW2 efforts are all Winter theatre, I will finish the snow-basing at a later date so I can get them done in a big batch with my latest Winter Soviets.

Speaking of which, here are six members ready for basing that will represent my “free inexperienced squad” (Per the Soviet National rules in Bolt Action.). Again, snow basing to come once all squad members are completed.

Squad leader pointing the way. 

Free unit gets Anti-tank grenades (Molotov cocktails) so there are a few members of this unit who are sporting flaming bottles and/or grenades.

Goodness I am not a fan at all of prone poses....
Better pics to come once everything is based. 

Let's see if I can finish out Zomtober with a flourish - there's three more of this undead squad to complete and only 3 days to get them done - yikes...


  1. Terrific work Dai, and well worth the wait I assure you. looking forward to seeing all these models once you've finished basing them. You really do paint these plastic minis very well imho :-)

    1. Heh, thanks Simon. I get so caught up with the sheer amount of stuff in my painting backlog, it catches up with me from time to time I think.

  2. Considering you said you were on a low ebb, thats a hell of an output!

  3. Damn, but you're getting good at windblown faces...

    1. I think I spend more time on them than the uniforms because:

      1. Faces are a focal point on any model
      2. They are more interesting to paint to me than uniforms!

  4. Really nice work on the Zeds and the Soviets. Great stuff Dai. :)

  5. Great work in the WW2 zeds, excellent addition for Zombtober! Sorry it's taken me so long to find/follow your blog but it does mean i get to have a lazy morning and binge read your old posts with a brew...

    1. Best way to read through ANYONE'S posts imo! :)

      Glad you stopped by, thanks!

  6. Great looking soviets and grotty looking zombies, I'd say you've been pretty productive really.
    Best Iain

    1. Upon reflection, you might be right.

      Cheers Iain!
