06 September 2016


Whilst painting has slowly been continuing on my Winter Soviets, I need to take a quick break from batch painting uniforms (Especially after the recent bunch of 15mm Confederates) and decided to jump on the Oldhammer bandwagon a bit.

These are some old minis I've had since my earliest days of gaming, some Citadel Miniatures Chaos Hounds and a Dark Elf Beast Handler. They were done pretty fast and dirty and being Chaos I wanted to make each very different from the other which made them a lot of fun to work on as well.

A small pack for sure, but loads of character!


This is Layla. She was a desperate human soul who plead for someone, anyone to come to her aid to help fight whichever horrible situation she was suffering and little did she realise, "someone" was listening. And transformed the pathetic wretch into a beast so that she might rend the flesh of her persecutors. 

Layla is supposed to look like a human who has been tainted by Chaos and forcefully transformed into a beast - her skin still carries the tattoo's she had during her human years.

This is Flameguts the Hellhound. I tried to make him look like he gathers unnatural demon fire from within and belches it out.

Hope the effect carries off okay. 

Lastly is Slather. Slather constantly leaks horrid smelling black-brown ichor from all of his orifices all the time and barely walks in straight lines. 

I have pictured his rear end to show the leakage there but the focus was off after review. :)

This is Dougal the Dark Elf. Bit of a git really and far too happy to lay about himself with that bloody great whip. 

Of course, everyone wants to see a Dark Elf bum. (I realised I forgot to paint the edges of his chainmail, so will sort that out later.)
The battle report for my previously mentioned Regimental Fire and Fury game will go up sometime this week. I think.



  1. Very clever idea with the tattoos. Love the old skool vibrant colours.

    1. Thanks mate - chaos undivided really should be a mishmash of colours and patterns.

  2. Flameguts the Hellhound is definitely my fave, Dai. But they're all looking good imho. I always say it doesn't matter what you're painting, as long as you're painting and that mojo is kept going :-)

    1. Glad you like him! He was fun to paint and when I dumped him on my rpg table for my group to fight, they were terrified. Appropriately. :)

  3. Love the way you've painted flameguts, that combination works really well and something I'd lome to try. Did you start with orange and work up to white? Great set of models there!

    1. Thanks Stuart. Yep - all washes and thinned paints - started with oranges and reds and worked up to yellow in places, then grey on top.

  4. Nice blast of oldhammer,are they destined for Warhammer or something like frostgrave? Great fun anyway, now where did I leave those dwarves?
    Best Iain

    1. I don't know to be honest. I built an old Real of Chaos warband ages ago, but these are the only members who've gotten paint. Maybe I'll finally finish?

      Cheers Iain!

  5. Love the firedog. I was a bit uncertain about the tattoos on the 1st dog till I stopped looking at photos and read a bit; great idea there.

    A realm of chaos warband would be a terribly fun project. And to think you've already done all the heavy lifting (converting that is). hint, hint.

    1. Heh, I know - I got all my Chaos figs out last night to see what there was and it really isn't a hard task painting-wise. Might fit them in a fig here, a fig there to space out the WW2 Soviets once in a while.

      Cheers mate.

  6. Love the backstories as much as the painting :) Flameguts turned out the best....painting wise.

    Top work!

    1. Glad you liked! I'll try to add the same type flavour to all my chaos warband members in future postings.

      Thanks man.

  7. Great job on these classic minis. The oldhammer stuff has a marvellous charm to it still. I have recieved some Mordhiem stuff to forward onto a friend and it is fabulous! Love the paintjobs on them all

    1. Agreed! The old hand sculpted figs have so much love and character in their design that I think a lot of the current digitally sculpted minis sadly lack.

      Cheers Simon!

  8. Replies
    1. A Chaos Corgi? Hmm... I like the idea.

  9. Nice, a great master and pack.
