13 September 2016

Comrade! (Part 10)

A little time to paint last week produced these four minis - two more members of my Soviet Tank Riders squad and a sniper team.

Feeling a little more enthusiastic to get stuff painted for this army what with my copy of the Bolt Action 2nd Edition rules apparently on their way to my house. All previews of new or changed rules really sound like they'll make the game more fun, so hopefully I'll actually have these snowy boys finished up well before the end of the year!

Sniper team, if you didn't already guess. Shooter has a wrap on his rifle, made from medical gauze tape.

Added settled snow on the figs to try to show the effect of these two sat still, waiting for the perfect shot as the elements fall about them.

Lots of bush on these bases so they'll stand out all the more on the table.

Seems the spotter is the more sensible of the two as he is wrapped up for cold weather, though neither thought to bring gloves!? Frostbite - fun for all the family.
Mean and determined faces. Let's hunt some Kraut officers!

Another couple of Tank Rider SMG blokes. The arms I had set up for this squad got all mixed up in an horrible "bits all over the floor" accident! And I'll be damned if none of the arms match any more! My attitude thereafter was "sod it - they'll do".

Uninteresting back shot.

Apparently the danger is on the left flank?

Only two members of the SMG squad left to paint up, though with LMG's getting a nice boost in the new rules, think I'll be picking up another couple of figs to add to the squad for a little longer range support as they advance to assault!


  1. Damn the look good, cracking base work :) Plus you are a lucky bugger having your pre-order of BA2 on the way, me I'm still waiting for WG to ship mine :( Sad chico

    1. How is that so when you live in flippin Britian!? Yeesh. Seems rather Arse about face to me.

      Thanks Chico, glad you like 'em.

    2. I'm guessing it's goes by who placed the order first and I didn't place my order till early last month as I was buggering about deciding where to get it from hehe

  2. A set of great looking figures. Top stuff

  3. Still lovin' these Ruskies. And now you've mentioned your cosplay past...

    1. Always loved a bit of dress up me. Why I once wore a dress to.... O there I go again mentioning my past.

      Cheers mate.

  4. Terrific stuff Dai. This Winter Soviet project of yours continue to go from strength to strength, and I continue to stand by my belief that your paint-jobs are outclassing the "Warlord Games" ones. Indeed I should have mentioned it to them when I visited their stall at Colours on Saturday. Perhaps they'd have given you a call? ;-) Cracking stuff mate, and hopefully they'll be a group shot soon?

    1. Thanks loads once more mate - you flatter me for sure!

      Yep - just two more lads in the squad and then the group shot - promise!

  5. Brilliant! So very characterful!

    As for mismatched hands? - it's no fun gripping an SMG tightly in that cold, y'know...

    1. I will adopt that reasoning should anyone say something! :)

      Cheers matey!

  6. Awesome work! Really dig the realism the settled snow gives to the snipers. Good stuff, man!

    1. Thanks mate, guess I'll try it on some future pieces!

  7. Looking really good, I like the mix of greys and browns, didn't notice anything wrong with the hands at all. I've been putting together a load of victrix napoleonic french and I've ended up with some rather odd hand combos, hoping no one will notice en masse!
    Best Iain

    1. Well, you know how it is - things are all planned to be "perfect" to you - but typically that goes out of the window as soon as a paint brush is touched!

      Cheers Iain!

  8. Very nice work as always - in particular on the bases. The settled snow looks excellent.

    1. Thanks Ed. Think as I go along with these they are getting a little better and better.

  9. Very nice, realistic and atmospheric job!

    1. Much appreciated Phil. All arranged together this army should look pretty cool.

  10. Looking good, I really like the rifle wrap. I know I say it every time, but it really makes me want to paint my PSC Sovs. One day I may actually do it.

    1. Thanks Sean. Was worried the wrap wouldn't look realistic cos the medical tape was rather stiff, but with enough watered-down elmers glue soaked in it turned out okay.

      Get on it mate!
