25 August 2016

Comrade! (Part 9!)

Two more 28mm WW2 Soviet Tank Riders done and also two more stands of 15mm Confederate infantry. Onward and upward!
Two new members of my Tank Riders squad. Junior Sergeant on the left, another SMG nutter on the right.

The lads call him "Beetroot Head" due to him both suffering from the cold due to refusing to wear a cap and also his face turning furiously red when yelling commands.

After Mike at the MadPadreWargames blog made mention that my Telogreika uniforms were too brown, I went back over some of them with a greenish khaki to make them less so. 

An angry face for sure. No idea where this head came from - perhaps Gripping Beast or Games Workshop? To make it fit better I added a clumsy Greenstuff scarf about his neck. 

This chap looks like he's loping onward ready to spray the hated invader! A little snow added to his knee for fun.

Snow on the boot. 

And two more stands of Reb' infantry for Saturday's game. Standard stuff - range of brown trews and hats and grey jackets. From the tabletop they look just fine and rather motley.

Four more stands of Confederate infantry to go and also four more Tank Riders. Thanks for taking time to stop by!


  1. Great posting Dai, I thoroughly enjoyed both Beetroot Head and SMG Nutter enormously. Loads of character and fluff behind those two brave soldiers of the Motherland. Good to see you working your way through the ACW stuff too. All good stuff my friend. Keep it up :-)

    1. Happy to hear that Simon! am enjoying painting the Soviets more than I had imagined.

      Thanks mate.

  2. Those tankers look fantastic! Real sense of personality to the both of 'em - great work, man!

    1. Glad you like. I try to make them interesting!

  3. Fabulous additions Dai, we must be due a Tank Raiders group shot soon?

    1. Still 4 to go Michael, but once they are completed, then there certainly will be a group shot of the squad.

  4. Great stuff, I've been finding painting the Telogreika uniforms a right pain in the bum. Looks good when finished but quite fiddly.

    1. They are at that mate. A very steady hand required.


  5. oh fantastic iniforms and skin! Bases also great!

    1. Thanks Michal!

      Bases are really simple. One of these days I'll actually follow through on my basing method tutorial that was asked for about a year ago....

  6. Beetroot head ?

    You'll only make him angry(ier).....

    1. Stems from a nickname we had for my headmaster when I was 9 or 10 at Cenarth County Primary. Mr Lloyd was known as "Stoneface" up until I started there. But I was a little sod as a schoolboy and his normally stoic countenance dissolved swiftly in the face of Litte-Dai-hijinks and his nickname thereby changed to "Beetroot Head"!

  7. Love it, mate - especially the snow details!

    "свекольный голова!"

  8. Great looking soviets, I'm sure that there was a range of browns used by the soviets, I like the scarf and your motley rebs.
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated Iain! These Winter fellows have been fun to paint.

  9. Great stuff! You've got to keep your throat warm to yell at your underlings. I also really need to paint up my 1/72 plastic ACW.

    1. Heh thanks Sean. 20mm - cheap and cheerful.
