24 December 2015

Tally Ho!

It's Christmas eve and today I present a figure that I'd painted a couple of weeks ago as a Christmas gift for my stepfather.  But he sometimes stops by to see what I've been up to here, so I didn't want to ruin the surprise.  

The miniature is by Warlord Games from their Bolt Action range and is depicting a WW2 RAF pilot who has been shot down. Typically stoic, it seems the fellow is remaining cool enough under pressure to enjoy a bowl of navy cut.

And that's that. There's been plenty other painting done but I've been taking a break from posting, so I'll be sure to show off my work this weekend.

 Merry Christmas all, I hope Santa brings you brushes and shiny new toys for your unpainted mountains!


  1. Very nice work Dai - Merry Christmas to you and yours, and a happy new year!

    1. Thanks Jamie.

      Hope you and the missus had an equally enjoyable holiday as well.

  2. Very nice. The model looks great!

    1. Cheers Cameron mate. Not to the lovely standards of your own work, but good enough for stepdad. :)

  3. Ha, he is great! Well done and merry Christmas mate.

    1. Thanks Col.

      Many warm regards to you and yours in return.

  4. He's brilliant. With a moustache like that, she should have a name like "Mayntooth-Fitzwaring" or something similarly posh. He looks totally unpreturbed, as if he strolled out to have a pipe rather than bailed out of a burning Spit. I am sure your stepdad will log him.
    I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas.

    1. It was very much appreciated and placed on display with his ww2 aeroplane collection.

      We had a very pleasant day, thankyou. :)

  5. Nadolig Llanwen Dai! Great job on the pilot.

    1. Many thanks Bob! Hope your holiday has been a pleasant one!

  6. Really digging the piping on the arm, and edge of the boots for some reaons. Very nice looking vegetation on the base as well.

    Hope you had a relaxing and lovely Christmastime.

    1. Was worried the piping was too far off the proper colour, so that's good of you to say as much mate. Tried to kept the basing as natural looking as possible.

      I did sir, the whole week off, but back to work tomorrow... bleh.

  7. He looks just the ticket, remaining top hole even after a wizard prang.

    Merry Chrimbo Dai.
