27 December 2015


The end of the year is nigh....

Ominous eh?

Okay, maybe not. Goodbye 2015, hello 2016 - I turn 40 later this new year, now THAT is ominous!

My Kickstarter rewards from the last Red Box Games Kickstarter arrived along with a set of their lovely zombie models and I've been painting furiously during my week off (Which is now at an end, I go back to work once more on the morrow - another ominous moment.). This set of 9 undead are all individual sculpts and great ones too, which was great and all are on the gore-lite side of zombie, which was also somewhat refreshing, but also made for painting to be a quick and simple affair. I'm not really inclined to put amazing amounts of effort into low hitpoint badguys as they'll probably spend little time on the tabletop in my rpg, being so easy to kill! (again)

Group shot - lots of shambliness and minlessness about this lot. Which i like very much.

Really like these sculpts - far more creepy side of zombies captured in contrast with the typical goriness and violence that other manufacturers produce like say, Mantic or GW.

These are all seem best suited to a fantasy environment due to their attire seeming rather poor and peasant-like.

And all bald and incredibly scrawny, which indicates less violent deaths, and probably more virus/disease-based endings for these poor souls.
Now I think about it,  these zombies will also be perfect for use with the recently released Dragon Rampant (Currently on sale, cheap! Click the link to see details.) rules set by Osprey Publishing!!! (Their fantasy version of their awesome Medieval/Dark Ages skirmish rules set, Lion Rampant - also currently on sale, cheap!)

 Also got this crossbow wielding fellow finished for my Frostgrave project. He's a rather old Citadel Miniatures (I think) orc, with exquisite detail sculpted throughout I think. I've painted him up in my Hobgoblins scheme rather than a typical green due tot he fact that orcs in my settings are of the pig-faced variety.

Lovely determined expression on this one.
A pouch of bolts and a nice hand axe hanging from his belt. Thought the red grip on the axe contrasted well with the brown leathers and purple jerkin.
Sheepskin seemed the more believable choice for his furs - sheep are easier to "hunt" than wolves or bears.
Lastly and again for my Frostgrave project, I slapped some paint on this 1983 TSR warhound. A fun and very simple sculpt and I decided he'd be a Doberman. At least that was what I was going for.

Per-dullcote, so the grassy loose pieces are long cleaned.

And a little out of focus on the face in this one, the chainmail also looks more defined in real life.
Not sure I'll get in another post before the New Year comes around proper, though I am working on my final two character miniatures for my rpg campaign, which will allow me to commence running it in the next couple weeks or so! (I'll be sure to leave an account here if there's any interest.)

Happy New Year to you all - I hope hobby-wise, it's a fruitful and fun 366 days! (It being a Leap Year and all.)

- Dai


  1. Those zombies are fantastic! Beautifully done, man.

    I'm right there with ya on the 40 milestone coming up in the next couple months, how did that happen?

    Have a happy new year!

    1. Cheers mate.

      Mine will be in October, so I've some breathing room yet. ;)

  2. Terrific work on the zombies Dai. I certainly enjoy being able to sit down and spend some time off work painting and its clear from the quality of the paint-job that you were enjoying yourself similarly. The warhound though is undoubtedly my favourite. What a great sculpt from yesteryear and a cracking paintjob to boot. Merry Christmas my friend, and a Happy New Year :-)

    1. It's certainly been nice to be able to spend more time on my hobby. Perhaps this new years 3day weekend I'll be afforded similar?

      Thanks as ever for the kind words sir.

  3. Those zombies look amazing, mate!

    1. Thankyou kind sir. They were fun to paint up.

  4. Lovely zombies Dai! Great post title too!

    1. Stole the title idea from you, so it should be. :)

      Cheers Bob!

  5. Looking good. I like the variety of different models you've been painting up. I hope my week off work this week is as productive as yours!

    1. Keeps the hobby mojo functioning at full power. :)

      I hope your week is as productive too!

  6. Those zombies look great and I'm a big fan of your Doberman paint scheme too. 2016 is the year of the 40 for me too, still unsure how I feel about it...

    1. Am trying to feel comfortable or even positive, though it's not working all that well just yet. HEh.

      Cheers mate!

  7. Fine looking dog there. I thought doberman immediately, so between the sculpting and your paint job you've hit the mark!

  8. Replies
    1. Damnit... I can't paste the "rim-shot" gif in my response...

      Cheers old boy!

  9. Very busy indeed and they all look fab!

    1. So busy, yet all these finished efforts have barely made a dent in the unpainted mountain! >_<

      Cheers Simon!

  10. Hello hello! Awesome zombies!

    Also pleased to see the frost grave project is coming on apace!

    I'm gonna be 39 this year. Remember that style and good taste go hand in hand with getting a little bit more grizzled!

    1. Grizzled eh? Not sure I'm old enough for that descriptor. :)

      Cheers Tony, hope 2016 treats you better than 2015.

  11. Very nice work there. Particularly like the blood - there's enough of it there to be obvious, but not over the top. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Col.

      Understated wins out in almost all situations.

      Merry New year indeed!
