01 December 2015

End of the Challenge

On June 1st the 2nd 6 Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge commenced with all sorts of rules and so forth in an effort for blogging hobbyists to try to get rid of their unpainted piles of metal and plastic miniatures and pledge to try not to make purchases during the duration and make their backlogs bigger.

The 1st Challenge (Last year) saw me largely painting my 15mm Flames of War Canadian platoons and I feel I did pretty well as far as limiting purchases made. This year... was different - I had different projects to get done and most in 28mm. In the end I think I painted up around 90x 28mm figs and around 30x 15mm. Not great considering I've had 6 whole months to get stuff done, but it could be far far worse. I think also I ended up about even with projects completed and new purchases made. Maybe a little off even, with more purchases made - but certainly not horrendous.

It's been a fun 6 months and a busy one and I'm happy with the work I've turned out and look forward to the next Challenge.

During the last week of this Challenge I did get work done! An archer that can be used for both my Frostgrave warbands and future fantasy rpg gaming.
I think she's a late 90's early 00's Reaper mini. 
One day I'll come back to this one and add a little freehand to her cloak as that is one large boring space.
I also painted up a couple of skeleton archers for my upcoming rpg campaign. To account for extra majicks required to get a skeleton to shoot a bow, I felt the bows themselves would need a splash of sacrificial blood too. No idea how those quivers are sticking to their hips though - maybe more of the same majicks?
These are the old late 80's GW sculpts saved from my bits box. I had glued them decades ago, so  hence who the one on the left has crap looking shoulder joints.

No pic makes a blog more interesting, than that of skeleton bootie.

 Lastly, got these Saxon Slingers done. They are initially to be used for my Dark Ages (Lion Rampant) project, but I'll also be utilising them for Frostgrave as Archers or Javelineers. Simple sculpts, simple paint jobs.

And that's that. So much crap going on in my work life with Union nonsense, it's hard to feel up to painting right now. Hoping that it all sorts itself out and that the membership vote goes smoothly on Friday - wish us luck!


  1. Nice variety of models on show here, dude! Good work on getting through some of the pile of shame!

    I really need to do that, but I keep building stuff instead!

    1. It's so much easier to build and let them sit.... Unloved, but 1/2-done. :)

      Cheers Tony.

  2. Ghost straps. Undead accessories are generally held on with ghost straps. Their bows have ghost strings and so on.

    Spooky eh ?

    1. Without a doubt. Makes perfect sense even.

  3. I quite like the mark on the skellies forheads. Thought it was an arcane lightning bolt at first.....blood makes heaps of sense though. Lovely choice of colour on the archer as well. I personally struggle with colour choice sometimes, and I think this one turned out great for you.

    1. Eh, was my sloppy brush strokes. They'll do.

      Yeah, colour scheme was what had held me back from getting her painted up since I'd bought her 10 years ago.

      Cheers mate

  4. Good stuff, man - that archer looks fantastic, and the slingers are great!

    1. Cherrs Mord, am hoping they'll get some use on the table soon!

  5. The archer is fantastic - very vibrant colours though I would leave the cloak plain. Maybe it's an elvish cloak for concealment?
    Like the skeletons too though I always find skeleton minis hilarious. I keep wondering - how does he pull the bow? Oh yes, magick.
    Hope your Friday was a good one. Certification vote?
    Cheers, Michael

    1. Plain cloak, check. I think you're right. She'd need that type concealment with the bright pink shirt.
      Friday was busy. Vote was on strike action, which passed. Adventure!

  6. Hooray! Well done!

    ...and those plaudits are solely for the skeleton backside.

  7. Hey dude, be more positive. Look at what you have got done. Great work too Dai.

    1. Ach Bob, I wasn't on a downer by any means. Thanks for the support though.
