08 December 2022

Clever Hans - Part 11 (Volksgrenadiers done!)

 Somehow I've managed to fit in a spot of painting here and there into my now regularly packed daily schedule and lo and behold... I have completed the last 8 members of my 10-man German Volksgrenadier Squad (Last show-cased in April!)! Now, I have to admit, Father Time has had his way with my health and it seems that my eye-sight has deteriorated somewhat, so my detail work is not up to my previous work levels - This sucks mightily and my ego doesn't like accepting this shortcoming one bit, but I guess it means that whatever I paint from here on in will happen a little more quickly as I am forced to not spend as much time on the small areas (eyes, etc) as I used to?

No idea how this pic looked just fine on my phone after it was taken, and yet when I post it here it is eversoslightly out of focus? Annoying. 

These sculpts are by Warlord Games from their 28mm Bolt Action WW2 range and are produced in white metal with separate heads. Whilst not being part of their official "Winter Range", the scarves sculpted about their heads and the addition of white trousers, helmets and helmet covers will hopefully make them blend in well enough with the rest of my Winter German collection. 

Those feldgrau jackets and trousers have a little more depth to them in real life. The light I used in these pics seems to have washed out any shade that is present. Also annoying.

I love the sculpts and details on these minis and the poses are all distinctly different and interesting I think. As always though, they took a while to get done - German troops have so much extra gear compared to the average Soviet or Brit soldier and that gear comes in so many different colours to boot! (I still intend to go back a paint on the Panzerfaust labels at a later date)

(No grass tufts or clump bush pieces on these. One, my glue dried up (!) and two, it'll help the previously previewed squad sergeant stand out.)

So that's that, my original Winter Germans project is officially "Fully Painted" and I feel pretty chuffed about it. Now I will be able to put on demo games of Bolt Action for my gaming mates when time allows in the New Year. I'll still be trying to get some more stuff done if I can find time before the end of the year, but first I feel a parade of my Winter German force might be in order after being inspired by Keith's recent postings of his impressive minis collections from many gaming genres on his own blog (Check it out here!) , so keep an eye out for that after the weekend. 

(What's more, there might be a few more additions to this force in 2023 including some Great Coated Grenadiers, an MG42 team and a fearsome Panzer 4 tank.)

Thanks for taking the time to drop by my humble blog and especially for leaving a comment!

- Dai


  1. Sorry to hear about the eyesight Dai, it happens to us all I'm afraid, hopefully you can find a way to get back to the details.
    The unit looks great to me, and must be a good feeling to finish the original plan for the force, but sounds like you are already planning some additions ! LOL

    1. Yeah, I thought my eyes were a "hold out", defying the typical 40's decline... How silly I was to think that. LOL

      Yep - hope to get that army parade showcasing them all together posted soon!

      Also I have a new Bolt Action project to start in the New Year!

  2. Yeah, the eyesight going happens to us all. Some go more quickly and worse than others. Still, your figures look fab and good to see you back to painting and blogging again. Two thumbs up!

    1. Thanks Jon! Was a good feeling to see something get done at least and to be able to log it here. Appreciate the encouragement!

  3. They look excellent Dai. Lots of lovely bits of equipment and uniform to make each soldier stand out on his own. I've found a lit magnifying glass to be enormously helpful since my own eyesight has deteriorated. I actually wish I'd used one beforehand, as it makes things so much easier to see and paint.

    1. Thanks Simon! I think I might have to look into investing into some sort of magnifying aid in the near future. Your painting efforts certainly looks like they have benefitted from it!

  4. Great looking figures, and how satisfying to get a project done!

    Maybe Father Christmas will bring you an optivisor or mirror light for Chrimbo...

    1. Cheers David! Satisfying indeed.
      Perhaps, but more likely "Santa Dai" will have to shell out for his own LOL

  5. I'm resisting myself to the idea of my eyes needing any help, but I'm afraid we all are on the same boat eventually! Empathy apart, I do love your work on these, they look really fantastic!

    1. Yep and that boat is apparently quite crowded! :)
      Thanks mate

  6. Lovely looking squad!
    Love the colours and bases.
    Have to back to my winter Volks.
    Best regards

  7. Great to see you posting, Dai! The Germans are fantastic as always, you really get the feeling that they're freezing their backsides off while dodging the Red Army :-) I feel your pain in terms of eyesight, I had to buy magnifying glasses back in 2018 just after getting back into the hobby. If you go to Amazon and search for Dicfeos Magnifying Glass, they're the ones I have. They're cheap and work really well.

    1. Glad that came across. Poor buggers feel wretched in general I think.

      I will look those up for sure! Thanks Matt!

  8. First up, thanks for the plug for my blog Dai! My eyes weren't perfect when I was twenty but they are certainly a lot worse now...I have been wearing "painting glasses" for a decade at least! Nice work on the Krauts and hope to see a Bolt Action outing with them soon!

    1. It was deserved Keith. You post regularly and to a good standard and blogs like yours should be shared to help keep them around.
      No games until the new year, but a parade should be just around the corner.

  9. Great looking Germans! I'm having to adjust around my sight, I did end up painting figures when they were just a blur, but I think I've got away with it!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain! For blurry painting, you've managed to achieve a good standard up until now! :)
