04 October 2022

I'm not dead yet


Infact, I feel happy.

Always good to start off a post with a Monty Python quote.

April was such a long time ago and the last time I posted here. It's the deadest this blog has ever been. Not the plan at all for my hobby in all honesty, but sadly one that was necessary as Real Life responsibilities have made further demands on my free time. Some might optimistically  query as to whether this might mean I've since fallen into a tonne of disposable cash and am now far too busy to pick up a brush because of all the jet-setting and lady-killing and, in some dark (un-married, of course) recess of my gross imagination, they'd be correct. Sadly, imagination is about as close to that lifestyle as things get this end, but it's a nice thought, at least for a while until I remind myself that all those women would get on my nerves in a very short amount of time and that the money... well, who doesn't want more money in their life? 

So yes, I've been very busy and nothing at all has seen the light of day in my hobby area these past months. Add to that, I no longer have space at home to set up a paint station which is also frustrating. I did receive some new minis in the post from a Kickstarter I backed earlier in the year which was nice, only to regretfully stick them up in a cupboard. 

Will this state of affairs last in perpetuity? No. I'm hoping that by February or thereabouts for things to be lots easier and for there to be a lot more opportunity to get back on the hobby "horse" sotospeak. But until then, I will continue to read blog posts, leave comments when time allows and live vicariously through you all. (If anyone reads this meagre dead blog any longer, that is)

Am hoping 2023 will offer lots more incentive and opportunity to get my teeth stuck into my unloved projects, thanks to one and all and the Russian bots for taking the time to read this post.

- Dai


  1. Well, I still read it, for sure. When you next mount your hobby horse, I hope you can stay on for a while.

  2. Good to hear you are safe and well Dai, if just busy with real life.

  3. Me not Russian bot (please read with accent). Me likey viery much.
    No, seriously, just take your time and don't put added pressure on yourself or your calendar. I hope you sort things right!

    1. I did indeed read that with a Russian accent and chuckled for it too. :)

      It'll all be good after the New Year I'm sure.

  4. Certainly glad to hear you are not dead (yet)!

    Hopefully things pick up with hobbying soon, but I certainly know how life seems to get in the way.

    1. Yep, life is an intrusive sod for sure. Cheers David.

  5. Hey Dài, I noticed you had left a comment on my latest post - please feel free to live as vicariously as you like via my blog - as long as you leave a comment every so often! Hopefully your expectations for a better time ahead are realised and I also hope that whatever BS has been distracting you into the so called "real world" its nothing too dramatic and challenging!

    1. I promise to do so more often Keith. No not dramatic, just demanding.

  6. How about 1 post in two years? That's my personal nadir and now the posting is 5 to 10 a month. Things change, you will get more time & hobby vigor. Looking forward to seeing you then .

    1. Yep that's a great way to look at it. Ebbs and flows. Thanks muchly!

  7. Good to hear from you again Dai.

  8. Such is life my friend. I wouldn’t mind more money either. But time and distance shall not separate us. 😀

  9. Wonderful to see you posting, Dai! It's bloody annoying when real life gets in the way of hobbying, but hopefully you can get something done soonish.

    1. Thanks Dave. It'll be done with soon enough.

  10. We'll be waiting for you when you come back, Dai! I hope the (fickle) gods of painting bring you back to their altar soon.

  11. Just don't leave it 4 years like I did. LOL

    1. Yeah no worries there mate, I'm missing my hobby loads of late. Just need to tough it out to the end of the year and then it'll be back on!

  12. Good to see you posting again, however briefly, we will probably all still be around in the new year, have a good break!
    Cheers Iain

    1. Really appreciate the encouragement Iain, cheers!

  13. Strange I could have swirn I left a message? We will all be here when you come back, whenever it is!
    Best Iain

    1. For some reason with no rhyme, blogger has begun randomly requesting that I moderate the odd comment here and there. Doesn't make sense and I'm sure it's more of a user-error on my part, not have some "setting" clicked or something? Regardless, I'll be more aware to check my comments section for any pending approval from here on in!
