11 March 2022

Personal Hobby Challenge

It would seem that the number “100” keeps popping up in my online hobby searches and so forth.

Brad on the Cast Dice podcast (A mostly Bolt Action theme’d wargaming podcast that I like to listen to, but they do cover lots of other game topics.) has challenged himself to paint at least 100 minis before year’s end.

Stew at the Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth blog needing to paint up 100 more Dark Ages warriors in order to meet his self-imposed goals.

The 100 infantry minis alone that I’d need to purchase (And most definitely will not – at least not now) were I to start buying for the Defence of Greece WW2 Bolt Action project that I was all-of-a-sudden inspired to list up.

The $100 (And probably more than that) I’ll need to scramble together somehow in order to be able to pledge toward the upcoming (No date announced yet mind) next Burrows and Badgers Kickstarter.

Okay, writing those out, “100” doesn’t seem too prolific in my online “searches and so forth” afterall, but I guess they are enough to get me thinking on it at the very least. So the main thing though was Brad’s small self-imposed challenge to paint at least 100 miniatures in 2022. This wasn’t too far-fetched and heck knows my unpainted mountain is overflowing with untouched miniatures, some almost as old as I am, screaming out to finally get some hobby love and have a half-decent paint job applied to them.

100 isn’t all that tough really in the scheme of things and as the podcast mentioned, there’s 52 weeks in a year, so that’s a very doable average of a little less than 2 mini’s a week. Now I know there are plenty of prolific batch-painters out there that might read this and scoff at such a small number, but for me, this seems like a sweet-spot to achieve within my limited hobby time.

Now we are in March (Already!?), 10 weeks into the year and I’ve already painted 20 since the start of the year (I’m counting finished terrain as single pieces too). That's me totally on track and I think I can make the 100 by year’s end without too much trouble.

I'm going to start keeping a tally of where I'm at on the bottom of each new post from here on that I put up here and also I'll label each post with "Paint 100 2022" to help keep track too. And... if anyone feels a need to hop on, they can call this a "challenge" and join in the fun, etc.

Congrats if you got down this far. Apologies to those annoyed that I didn't post up any actual hobby progress, I promise my next post will be far more thrilling and fulfilling in that respect!

- Dai

03/11/2022, week# 10 - 20/100 mini's done.


  1. Well, here is another ‘100’ coincidental reference. I like to broadly target painting 100 figures per month.

    I will be watching your progress toward your goal.

    1. Yeah yeah - rub it in Jon! Lol

      I’ve no idea how you can paint so much in such short time spans?

    2. It is only a goal. One that I do not always achieve...

  2. Haha....not that you are counting eh Jon! It's good to have goals Dai and this seems to fit in that SMART acronym...where the m is measurable if I remember rightly,man a is achievable! I do feel we should get evidential pics of the progress though...if it's only two figures per week, so be it ...let's see 'em!

    1. Ha! I’ll see what I can do Keith :)

    2. Who me count?
      -says the man with the all the spread sheets. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Whoo! Go Dai!
    Not to toss banana peels in your direction, but painting progress usually seems to derail in the late spring/summer. So, ermmm, get ahead of the average soon!

    1. Lol! Not wrong there Dave. Am hoping to try and keep up a consistent output, hope that works out

  4. Great stuff Dai! 100 definitely sounds like an achievable goal and I'll jump in the "Heroes of the Hundred" group (totally just made that up ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ) and give a go at this challenge - like you I've got plenty in the lead pile!

    1. Heroes of the hundred? I like that! Glad to have you jump on board mate!

  5. That's a really nice and manageable challenge and I look forward to seeing how you get on with it!

  6. Good luck towards your goal. Any progress should be a mark of pride. My personal nadir is usually Feb & March when nothing generally gets done. Things then pick up. As for Keith and Jonathan, they both want photos. And it gives commentators something to fixate on.
    Here's to the hundred.

    1. Appreciate the words of encouragement and there’ll for sure be many pics to show of my progress as and when it happens!

  7. Challenge accepted, sir! I'll jump into this one too. Good luck!

  8. If the challenge helps, then it's got to be a good thing Dai, hope you meet your target, and I will be cheering you on mate, plus I always have a couple more challenges this year to help motivate your target.

    1. Thanks Dave. Looking forward to those challenges to help keep the mojo going!

  9. Good luck!
    For you and me, because I also paint within 100 models a year :)

    1. Aha! Great! Then it’s a group effort!

  10. Sounds like the goal as you state it really hits a chord.
    My specific goal is to paint 100 dark age type miniatures before painting up anything else. There’s no real time frame on it other than I’m counting how long it takes and I’m trying to not take all year. ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’m sure you can do 100 in a year. The trick would be not to have to paint a lot on December.

    1. In all honesty, I hope to get it done before then. :)

  11. Hmmm, I guess you should start painting Epic!!! But take my advice, don't paint a Mรปmak, that still only counts as one!

    1. :) Epic?! Wouldn't that be cheating a little? LOL And no, no Mumak's. Thankfully not planning to get one of those (Admittedly beautiful sculpts) anytime soon.
