21 March 2022

Clever Hans - part 9 (Medic and a birthday gift)

 A quick post today to show off four more mini's painted to add to my quota for the year to date.

First off a WW2 German medic sculpted in a Winter theme. A very cool sculpt and was relatively swift to paint up once I figured out who's arm was where and so forth. Completely forgot to add my usual red wash to the exposed flesh areas like the rest of my Winter collection so I may well go back and do that at a later date.

Mini by Warlord Games. 

My Freehanded Red Crosses are pretty poor now I'm looking at them. 

If you've got a bandage over your eye, then there needs to be blood seeping through. It is so.

 Next up are a trio of Oathsworn Miniatures Burrows and Badgers figs. I painted them up for my friend Derek as a everso slightly belated birthday gift for his 43rd birthday this last St Patricks Day. We got together a bit ago and played our first game of this ruleset and as I'd hoped (Read: planned) he liked it so much he announced he'd invest in the rulebook and his own team in the nearish future. So these three can be added to his own planned warband or not - his choice. He at least seemed to like them. :)

First off a Bat Assassin. Or "Batssassin" as he's known. Simple paint job on a characterful sculpt as always.

Grass tuft's superglue dried white! >_< Told Derek to add a drop of brown wash over it and that shold take care of it.

Next up is a Mole warrior wearing some other critter's bones. He has a very low-tech look which I like.

Little blue markings to look like simple woad designs or some such. The Toad has similar markings on it's Bone pieces too.

This is a fearsome Toad warrior wearing (I believe) the skull of a Wildcat. I like to think he/she gets power from the dead spirits who formerly called that skull their "head".

Creepy Toad-ish sideways pupils.

Tried to make the cloak look like a Badgers pelt taken from a fallen enemy. Nasty bugger this Toad.

Note the simple blue woad type markings on the bone areas to key in with the Mole.

And that's it for a while. Taking a week off from the paint station so hoping to have more to show off in a fortnight. 

Hope all are staying well out there,

- Dai

03/21/2022, week# 12 - 24/100 mini's done (Still on target).


  1. Great work on the medic and patient Dai, if you hadn't had said about the glaze, I probably wouldn't have noticed, as the rest looked excellent.
    What a great gift for your friend, plus now another opponent for the game. The toad looks totally badass with all his trophies.

    1. Thanks Dave! As we all know we are our own worst critics when it comes to our art…

      Yeah that Toad sculpt is pretty cool. Not an amphibian to be crossed

  2. Excellent work all around, Dai! Adding red wash to flesh for cold weather fronts makes perfect sense. Something that never crossed my mind.

    Your friend will be pleased with these gifts. You are a fine friend.

    1. Thanks Jon, it’s a simple effect but I think it makes enough of a difference to the finished result to add that little extra chill effect.

      He was very happy to receive them.

  3. What a change of subject! All of them look great, but the toad is definitely my favourite. Awesome work

    1. Yeah my hobby butterfly attention span in full effect again lol

      Thanks mate

  4. Very nice work Dai and I cant see anything wrong with the red crosses! Maybe these guys dont have the usual pink flush due to loss of blood from the wounds suffered....although that would not apply to the medic I guess!

    1. Kind of you to say as much sir, thankyou.

      They'll stand out like a sore thumb when placed amongst their chilly-looking force-mates. LOL

  5. Really love the medic model and lovely snow effect!

    1. Thank you Michal. :) I think I'll need to get some more of it soon as these bases use a lot more than I realised.

  6. Wonderful work on the Burrows and Badgers chaps, Dai, they're such imaginative sculpts and your painting's really done them justice.

    The Germans look suitably frozen LOL! Nice painting on them, too, and the red cross looks fine to me.

    1. Well that's you and Keith both saying the Crosses look fine so I'll leave them alone. Thanks mate. :)

  7. Nice job on all the miniatures and getting the hook into another for the B&B rules. 😀
    How’d you like the game?

    1. Well "Getting the hook" might be a bit of a stretch. He's notoriously tight fisted and I doubt he'll ever actually buy a rulebook and what's required for him to run his own warband. But one can hope eh?

      Loved the game it's silly and fun to roll all the different DnD dice and watch flabbergasted as a lowly mouse with a dagger can stab a massive armoured bulldog to death! I like it, nice and small scale, rules are simple enough and the campaign system makes you want to come back for more. Would love to run it for you some time.

  8. Great stuff there Dai! I really like models like your medic, shows a bit of narrative I think is missed too often on the tabletop. It's funny because I was going to comment on how your red crosses looked brill and really make the model pop 🤷‍♂️

    1. Another vote for the crosses! :) Fair enough, I'll quit whinging and accept it.

      Cheers Ivor.

  9. Great looking medic and the mole and bat are nice but the toad is awesome!
    Best Iain

    1. That Toad is a cool mini for sure. The sculptor has a really fun style with his minis and they are all hand-sculpted too, which I feel gives them far more character.

      Thanks Iain.

  10. The medic team looks good! Nicely done Dai!

    1. Appreciate that Terry. Bit rubbish rules in-game, but I like the inclusion for flavour.

  11. Your red crosses are fine.

    I'm imagining you having fevered dreams where the WW2 medic and casualty are running from Barbarian moles and toads.

    1. Thanks mate.

      That would match my fevered dreams to date pretty well

  12. Another vote for the red crosses Dai. Wonderful painting and basing and would look good on the table as a small vignette even if not using it as part of the game.

    1. Well thanks Pat, guess I just need to be kinder to my own efforts in general. :)
